Thursday, November 12, 2009

13 Year Old Mastrabating

November 21, 2009 Ancona, Teenage Conference - Prof. Carmen Belacchi Abstract - The interactions between hostile and prosocial peers in adolescence

prosocial and hostile interactions between peers in adolescence
Prof. Carmen Belacchi
Department Psychology and the Territory University "Carlo Bo" of Urbino

Prof. Carmen Belacchi
Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology and Education at the Department of Psychology and the Territory University "Carlo Bo" of Urbino - Faculty of Education, coordinator of the PhD Program in Psychological Sciences of the University.


Beyond and above the bodily changes that signal the onset of puberty, the entrance into adolescence is marked by changes at the cognitive (thinking and hypothetical-deductive design) on the socio-relational (broadly the horizon of the reports, no longer confined to the family, but open to broader social settings, in particular relations with the peer group) on the emotional-affective (intensity and new depths of suffering such as friendship, love, with the unique experience of emotions strongly polarized, leading to feelings of instability in mood altelenanti and contrasting).

Studies of the literature about the influence of relational variables on specific risk behaviors (eg, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, smoking joints, dangerous driving, the deviant behavior and eating disorders) has revealed that the control exercised by parents, the support they offer, the time spent with their friends and control act as protective factors, while time spent with friends and their support can enhance some risky behaviors.

This paper proposes a study on the types of roles can be assumed by their peers as a risk factor and / or protection in the case of conduct that are characterized as bullying and prosocial, in defense of the victim (Advocate, Counselor, Mediator) or hostile, in support of Bullo (Helper, Supporter, and External)

By Editor's
Shyness Clinic


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