Posted by Mirko De Carli
President Circle Network Italy "Thomas More" Coordinator and Vice-FI-PDL Ravenna
Friday, July 11, 2008
Copd Versus Emphysema
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Treatments For Twisted Pelvis
"Emergency education "
reactions of unions and Democratic Party leaders to" provision on school organization "provided by the Berlusconi government has been clear: it was the usual refrain that We are accustomed to hearing when it comes to spending cuts for schools, ie a rend their garments in unison, accusing the government of wanting to dismantle the state school. This type of reactions are dictated by a principle that has long commonplace, or that what is spent on state school is inadequate and that therefore we should spend more, but the central question this is not! The serious issue to be addressed - found that more money would do well anyway - is: what is spent and what criteria! For this is really unprecedented with Art. Chapter 70 of the Planning Document: The innovation consists in the interweaving of budgetary austerity and reform. Finance Ministers had earlier agreed cuts to the system while maintaining the same. The philosophy of the 2008 Planning Document is another: make reforms to lower spending and qualified. .70 In art is going to take much of that work produced by Minister Moratti and then suspended by the Minister Fioroni: rationalization and consolidation of classes of competition for greater flexibility in teachers; streamlining curriculum frameworks and materials with reduced hours, and hours teaching, revising the criteria in training classes, revising existing criteria and parameters for determining the overall size of the organs of teaching staff, aimed at streamlining of the same. The impact on school violence and will be binding, while in school because of the savings expected from the last financial (1,432 million € in 2011) add to those provided by the Planning Document (2,350 million € in 2011). In a situation like this moves the discussion to think about investments in education: better spending is the real problem (since the funds for the school falling from the sky and the financial situation is poor public)! It takes courage to invest no more egalitarian by the method that gives everyone the same without any merit, but in the direction of a full appreciation of those who carry out their work effectively. Many unnecessary projects, many functions purely on paper, an excessive number of teaching staff, all the same salaries that reward and penalize those who do not make: that's what it is now starting to talk! 's time to spend on investment investment service on the person. The road is a rationalization of spending, "the base" by the criteria of "effectiveness of educational-teaching". The director of open government is this: public spending cuts at a time of economic hardship, which correspond to start spending the better! It calls for "more quality " in this sense it provides a positive 's school autonomy, which is the actual responsibilities of schools in order to be effective. For this schools must be in a position to experiment with different forms of organization to have greater flexibility to do so may generate a passion for education quality in training and education. An example is offered by the great educational work "Comet" born in Como in 1987 with the purpose of reception of children in foster care. Since 2003, starting with the need for education for boys, was born as "Comet Training, which offers true custom locations within a course of vocational training. From this year the qualifying examination at the end of the three-year course was conducted by the students directly in the company. The meaning and value of this experience (assessed and certified) for children are many: of particular importance is the "to test" in a real environment, testing their skills in a real context that is their job prospects. With this example I want to say one thing: the educational emergency it might be met only from those who live with the look of one who is fascinated by the beauty of educating and being educated. To this criticism by the opposition (national) and local administration are sterile: instead of arguing for cuts planned (inevitable given the severe economic situation) we start with the roll up our sleeves, moving the action from our experiences that really make the "difference" and that can actually teach what it means to "spend more to spend less, from a true passion for education.
Posted by Mirko De Carli
President Circle Network Italy Thomas More - Vice-Coord. FI-PdL
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Enlarged Uterus Causes At 46
A new and hopefully profitable path for the liberalization of local public services was inaugurated by the Berlusconi government with the DPEF dismissed on 18 June. The executive spoke on the reorganization of the regulatory framework of services of general economic importance (ie excluding canteens, nurseries, etc. ..) to encourage competition and equality of treatment between different operators. There is a clear desire to open up the market in quick times as the deadline for the cessation of credit shall be directed in the December 31, 2010. The news about the decisive role reversal between race and in-house: the government has decreed a decisive "yes" to the races. A particular emphasis on opportunities to justify this option is found on the front of control by the local authority, a key feature of this method of allocation supported an explicit role of ultimate control in the antitrust field. With the in-house (at home) that is increasingly marginal, the race will play a major role. Problem: local management expertise of the PA to calls and tenders to limit the public finance constraint that blocks the action external consultants. A "Third Way" could cover can rely on the "joint enterprise" (private participation chosen competitive procedure with no less than 30% share) in the case of budgetary needs of local authorities and with the clear intention to acquire industrial know-how specialized. In each case there is a strong DPEF power management control post-foster care: in fact the local authority may terminate the contract in case of serious violations going back to play the role of controllers and planners. Then there is a push offset by efficiency targets socially and environmentally beneficial land, eg. maintaining employment levels above custody. It seems to me that the road taken is the right one now need to make the picture clear in every factor, rearrange, and reassemble the various races to be implemented within a framework of long-term industrial policy of the country. We feel satisfied with the choice of the Government because the competition is the preferred solution for "revitalize" an area off the public, often unproductive and in many cases very expensive. Through the liberalization of local public services, coupled with an appropriate power control and scheduling established ex-law for local, opens a new season where the State no longer be involved in the first person to offer but look in "-tion" market forces, private actors are able to offer those services at lower costs and more efficiently, while always safeguarding the workers, the charitable objects, the weaker (all guaranteed by the power of this Local resolution of contract). The challenge of liberalization has started: the Prodi Government with the Minister Bersani had made a flag now let's see if, in deed, the PD of the Berlusconi government, the shadow minister for local government Ravenna, will be open and willing to say yes to proposals to improve services for citizens, reduce costs and bring the PA into society for a more subsidiarity new welfare society.
Posted by Mirko De Carli
(Vice-Coordinator of Forza Italy Ravenna)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Halle Berry As Catwoman Hairstyle
Statement by Maurizio Lupi, Vice-President of the Chamber,
on "Health and Lombard models, in addition to
'ideology on the case Rita S. "
Faced with the horrific events that allegedly took place in the Santa Rita Clinic in Milan (patients quartered for no reason just to have the money of the region), we wondered: then Lombard is the model of health failure? The answer is certainly negative. Rather something is not working throughout the health system, and testing, "assessment", and here we are faced with something that transcends not only the Lombard system but also the Italian case. The point was taken by Silvio Garattini when he observed: "Something is missing. That is, the way of checking the honesty companies that deal with health. " Yet there are no controls, "Before we speculate on the day of hospitalization, time on Drg. The DRGs (Diagnosis Related Group) is a system devised by an American teacher in order to contain healthcare costs. It classifies patients based on hospital discharge diagnosis within a list of 492 categories of disease which is a type of consumption of resources, duration of hospitalization and clinical profile. The DRGs of each patient was calculated using a computer program and funding to the National Health Service hospitals are paid by fees associated with the DRGs.
Needless to go into details that are affordable for anyone who wants to inquire. Garattini says: "Whatever solution is adopted there is always someone who finds a way to" win "against the sick and the people who are the real contributors to the health service." What to do?, Asks the interviewer. Answer: "With a system of regular inspections set to prevent. Senior inspectors, regardless of who decides and who pays. For example, primary-known retired, but valid and updated. " In the early! We are repeating obsessively for a long time, for example with regard to the school, but in relation to any situation in which you are claiming an evaluation process. Funding decisions based on purely quantitative assessments, in the grid Parameters do not work because they can be circumvented in many ways. One might even throw a challenge: devise a grid of any parameters and you can always find a way to manipulate it in order to get everything you want without anyone suspected incompetent or even criminal. The only effective control system - whether in hospitals, clinics, university departments or schools - is to send unannounced Inspection teams consist of qualified persons and choices in different contexts (in order to ensure the complete independence) that Rivoltini from top to bottom structure and issue an opinion reasoned that as a condition for funding. It is a system expensive, no doubt, but they are vastly more economic and social costs of inefficient or criminal behavior?
The alternative is to continue with the crazy caravan of experts who serve only to feed itself, to give the illusion of rigorous "scientific" promptly followed by inefficiency, degradation and disappointment on the part of administrators who have been in good faith in these hands. It is clear that change means the register not to be intimidated by a bad habit and that there is generalized from the countries most "efficient" in some of them, however, evaluation grids accompany inspections. It would be better to have more freedom and intellectual be subject to conformity that passed off as "science" of procedures that purport to eliminate bankruptcy as the irreplaceable role of people and their opinion.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Eml Series E100 Light Stays On
Standing Committee on Lay Law 194: Yes to life, we are with the Pope!
Looking at the past three decades and considering the current situation, one can not but recognize that defending human life has now become practically more difficult, because it has created a mentality of progressive degradation of its value, given the opinion of the individual . As a result it has led to a decrease in respect for the human person, a value which is the basis of all civil coexistence, over and above the faith we profess. "
A Benedict XVI's interesting to express an opinion, he wants people to exercise to the full exercise of reason.
The Pope, moreover, does his job. Well the headline today's newspaper in an editorial signed by the writer Luke Doninelli: The Pope is the Pope .
Benedict XVI is like a boat and tells his friends and the world where the horizon is and in so doing can not refrain from expressing an opinion clearly and succinctly: "To have permission to use the interruption of pregnancy, not only did not solve the problems afflicting many women and quite a few families, but it has opened a further wound in our society, unfortunately, already burdened by deep suffering. "
Pope, we could say, "fly high". Christianity is a proposal and a meeting, while the company tries to keep him harnessed within the categories of "do and do not be." Where the idea prevails that Christianity is confined to a list of prohibitions, the Pope tries to help people breathe more deeply. We usually like people used to always live in the city and when he goes to the mountains in the habit of not open the lungs because they are afraid even to breathe the smog.
Benedict XVI suggests and indicates, however, that there is, indeed, a breath, a life, a positive to adhere to. Although problems remain, which must be taken into account.
"So much effort, indeed, in recent years have been made, and not only by the Church, to meet the needs and difficulties of families.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Respiration Rates Reptile And Mammal
Guareschi has explicitly defined at the beginning of his work, Don Camillo and Peppone like two people "united on the essentials": what does it mean?
The characters of Guareschi's books are real people, most of the characters of the film (which in fact Guareschi had expressed some misgivings). They are characters that depart from their desire for truth and justice, from a living faith in a human way, by a communist ideal, which seeks to address the need for justice. So that people can not meet. Guareschi ago with his books, that Italy which, while having very different ideas in it, has built a profound unity in the welfare of our country. It is the people of our nation, which has been much more united because of the ideological divide they have split, and this is why these people are met.
You speak of a people remained together, which means that the issue is not nostalgically evoke a world, the "small world", which now no longer ...
The people are united by an event that generates a 'units, and the people of Guareschi joined from occurring in the life of a country living from the desire for truth. The people of Guareschi were people for whom faith was the answer to the desire for truth, and that communism was a response to the desire for justice. This is not a thing of the past: each position brings with it a human response to a need.
So what's the point of Guareschi's news?
The point of relevance is the deep desire for truth, without which faith is dead, and without which the ideal becomes ideology is that people need without which our country is not going anywhere, whatever the type of government that will. I think especially after what he said Giussani Nasiriyah, "if there was an education of the people, all would be better off." In Guareschi's books that education is understood that there was indeed, and it was the determining factor.
What does it mean that education is a key factor in the world narrated by Guareschi?
means that Don Camillo, beyond the caricatures of the film, is a character who never fails to educate and educate. The Education of Don Camillo comes back on the continued discussion after each error: not a character with no errors, is a passionate, deeply believes that, with faith, that humanity, that believes in the people around him, but understands make mistakes. This continued to admit the mistake and start is the education that you submit and which bring the people of the country. Peppone itself is one that, although it was in a period of total ideology (one that bubbles with Guareschi Candido's), fighting this ideology in the name of the true desire for justice. So we understand why, when there is a strike for not milking cows to milk Peppone be secretly with Don Camillo, once it reaches the ideology that creates hatred in the country, is opposed, when they replace with the young priest Don Camillo cattocomunista young, he's with Don Camillo. It is continuing education, from Don Camillo and Peppone, the people who have around, and around them are growing all the other characters.
you opposed to the young priest Don Camillo cattocomunista, yet many say that the friendship between Don Camillo and Peppone is the archetype of the agreement between Catholics Communists and
tell you a story that makes clear the inadequacy of that cattocomunismo, and all cattocomunismi. The young priest who replaces Don Camillo pontificate from the pulpit against the old man who works, and causes to be brought to the hospice, the day after the same old man is found dead under the wall of the hospice, because he tried to climb over to return to live and work, and do things without which there could be. This is the point: the young priest is the ideology of a Christianity that does not serve even those who practice it, because it becomes a justicialism like what we see today is not for real people. The position of Don Camillo instead is multifaceted, is meeting with people, listening to the people, and is, in the name of faith that responds to human, the ability to perceive the needs, one by one. The young priest, however, is the standardization of needs.
The incident just narrated brings to mind the importance of work in the stories of Guareschi
Peppone Not for nothing is above all a great mechanic. Even Peppone, party chief and mayor, is exempt from this. Because the work is part of the people, the common people working, eating, partying, family does. These are all things together. They are united only in the analysis of intellectuals, columnists who write on the major newspapers. In speeches, that is, all those who have never understood the people, and which in fact have always considered Guareschi a lesser writer.
Indeed Guareschi's work, rather than criticized, was snubbed by critics, in fact considered "minor" Why?
inform you one thing: less is considered by critics who, just to have semipornografici acclaimed novels by Alberto Moravia. They are the ones that give value to a culture is not left, but radical, which made the charts entirely ideological ignored Manzoni, Bacchelli, have decreased by Rebora, have forgotten Ada Negri. Those, then, that in the end they preferred that the Nobel went to Dario For instead of Mario Luzi. It is critical to the exertion, the "culturame" that has ruined post-war Italy and has entertained in the papers that are all the rage. This is the worst part of Italian history. Guareschi instead is a great writer, is one of the greatest representatives of Italian fiction, especially in the vein of Manzoni, and shares with the great ability to read and faceted person to person. It is the great tradition of Catholic literature. And that's why he had a popular success and critical acclaim in the world.
A great Catholic tradition in the stories of Guareschi This is made even by the figure of Christ speaking. What does this?
Christ who speaks to you is, is the true faith in which Christ is a You. At the beginning of the Little World, to get rid of false Orthodox Guareschi says if you take it with the fact that I talk about Christ, know that Christ is the Christ of whom I speak my conscience. What does it mean? What is you who is in reality and that is within you. This Christ is the objective that speaks to you in Christ, and the you with the "t" capital "with which everyone has to do.
Finally, another essential element in the stories of Guareschi is its land, Lower, without which his characters almost could not exist ...
Don Camillo could not be written either in Brianza, either in Varese, either in Sicily or in the Ciociaria, or anywhere else. It is the fruit of that world is talking about at the beginning of Lower Small World, that world of fog that can appear one day to talk to the ghost of a dead friend, when the earth is alive, that somehow the landscape , environment, nature, animals are at one with the man. A quiet world: the land around the river, so little rhetoric, so little arrogant and presumptuous, whose beauty is a woman who does not show, but so deeply human. It is a land shaped by man over the centuries, a nature that is totally in his own image and at the same time has been characterized by that I do not know that wild, which is not primitive, but it is precisely not tamed. So the characters are the characters of the Lower Gianni Brera are the characters in a few years later, the characters in the Mulino del Po, characters such as Mother Cabrini, Giussani, St Richard Pampuri. These saints subdued, but in the long run are like wine from this area, with the aftertaste that comes out, without having imposed early in a violent way.
Interview Giorgio Vittadini by his
Monday, April 28, 2008
Why My Computerdoesnt Recognize My Sanyo 2700

Resistance was founded by the Italian soldiers "legitimacy," remained faithful to the oath to the king, who took up arms against the Germans since September 8. During the war of liberation fought alongside the Allies killed 35,000 soldiers and the refusal to adhere to the republic of Mussolini were interned by the Germans at 600,000 in German concentration camps from which they returned in 78,000.
The leaders of the resistance were: a political liberal, Pizzoni Alfredo (president from September '43 to April '45 then Cln-Fascist Committee of Upper Italy) and a military General Raffaele Cadorna (commander of the Volunteers of Liberty or the unified command of the Brigades guerrilla). Longo and Parry were the "leaders" of the Resistance, but the "vice" Cadorna. To animate
immediately underground network in Rome was the royalist Colonel Montezemolo, who was shot at the Fosse Ardeatine.
The partisan struggle was therefore a popular movement characterized by a multitude of components and also with many young depoliticized. To allow the survival and development of partisan brigades were essentially two stands: one allies with weapons and funding and the other the rural Catholic population (defined by Gaetano Salvemini "The fourth army" in the field) which protected, fed and hid partisans coming up against ruthless reprisals.
That was not all communist-led resistance, but a part, indeed, precisely a resistance parallel. This development "in part" reflects the directives of Stalin, who did not consider the anti-fascist units a landing, but only a transition phase with a view to the next inevitable showdown between communism and democracy: This was expressed during a meeting at the Kremlin in 1945: "The crisis of capitalism - said Stalin to Dimitrov that the notes in his Diaries - found expression in the capitalist division into two factions: a fascist, the other democratic. It has created an alliance between us and the current democratic capitalist, because it was concerned not to allow Hitler's rule, because this brutal rule would lead the working class and the overthrow of capitalism to the extreme. We are now at a fraction against the other, but in the future we will also be against this fraction of the capitalists. " Resistance
This "parallel" of the Communist Party took shape in particular with the establishment of the GAP (Patriotic Action Groups) which gave life to the urban terrorism outside of CLN with actions like the attack in Via Rasella (that of Rome refused Cln to approve) and the murder of Giovanni Gentile (Florence condemned the CLN). The Resistance "parallel" through events like the massacre at Porzus of non-Communist partisans who refused to be incorporate by the Yugoslav army, culminated on the eve of the German retreat, with the establishment outside of Italy Alta Cln "triumvirate insurgency" in the conduct of the Communists' "anti-fascist cleansing" in the North starting from Emilia Romagna. Resistance is in the light of this "parallel" that terrorism must be seen, which was inspired by the communists after the war.
The communication is part of the Italian resistance - That was movement in which brigades and Catholic populations played a key role - as a model since the English Civil War. Thus, outside of the CLN and so lonely and illegitimate, brought their "cleansing" Whereas Fascists - and then murdered - Catholics, even priests and seminarians, as teenagers Rolando Rivi (which is in the process of beatification) who was brutally tortured and murdered, buried like a dog in a forest after a "trial" in which he was condemned to death as a "fascist spy" Rolando just because he liked wearing the cassock.
The story of Rolando Rivi (which was the center of a section Show the last Meeting of Rimini dedicated precisely to the "resistance gate") is atrocious example of a "resistance" that should not be confused with the national liberation struggle and should not be celebrated, and rebuilt, remembered and condemned as a the most shameful pages of national ignominy.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Oxford Freedom Plan And Birth Control
When Silvio Berlusconi to the Matrix law his "heartfelt" thanks to the voters and the slew of reforms in the pipeline, it is finished. Everything as expected. And even more. Triumphs at the PDL and the vote is polarized around the two major parties. League superstar. Decent electoral baptism for the Democratic Party. Good result of DiPietro. Centrists reduced to a flicker. And epochal collapse of the famous "no everything" peace, green, ricomunisti, anti-globalization, anti-American, and so on. That in the next legislature will not even have a representative in Parliament. Hats off to the voters. And military honors at Walter Veltroni. That does not even wait for the end of counting votes to present a good hour before the cameras, to acknowledge defeat and to wish "good job with Silvio Berlusconi." In short, the fifteen-led war against the Knight of Arcore by an array of formidable powers ended in a very formidable happy ending. Who would have thought? And to think that early exit polls on the two major newspapers were not ready to share their desires for miracles. "The Democratic Party is the first, online versions of the title, the Republic and the Corriere della Sera at 15.15 on Monday 14 April. At this point, Berlusconi can not go wrong. The voters have offered him on a silver platter the attributes to make an executive of war. One executive who will deliver the maximum of decisions and break with the mighty nullified.
Unfortunately, the triumph of the center does not have the power to annul the dramatic situation facing the country. Just to recap. Productivity, wages, economic freedom and social justice, demography ... all dedicated zero. The state of things Italian that the Prodi government over the government that comes from the ballot box is a coffin. There was no treasure to spend. Last year the number of Italian families who do not get to the end of the month grew by 57 percent. The prison break. And we must also pay damages to Europe for the affair rubbish. In short, waiting for the economy come up, he wrote three days before the vote, the irregular veltroni Ricolfi Luke, you can not escape: "We must take action on at least 80 billion annual waste of the public." We'll see what he will do now with PD leader. If you continue to follow the wrong advice of the great newspapers. Or if, as seems likely, will take note of the facts and to lead a constructive opposition acconcerĂ work compared to the enormous problems that the Italian people. However, we are no longer in the nineties. We are in the spring of 2008. All the wealth that was to be played out to Berlusconi has been played. The bottom of the barrel has been scraped. Now the new government is expected to breach of an undertaking to shake the veins on her wrists. What about the other? That even a little advice for us we would Captain Silvio. The expose with greater detail in the next issue. But here, the day after news that the Italian people waited for decades - finally a parliament pruned from the plethora of small parties and a strong majority, which provides governance - we like to give a taste. In short: there is a unique bipartisan principle that in recent years has made its way to the point that right and left have agreed to raise it to constitutional principle. It is the principle of subsidiarity. Maurizio Lupi For years, the rising star of the PDL, he led a large squad of MPs of both parties who have acquired a clear awareness of the need to move from "welfare state" to "welfare society". This is a revolutionary innovation that we believe should characterize the long-awaited period of reform (first of all, it Hopefully, fiscal federalism). Flipping the paradigm of the state all-powerful, interventionist and wasteful that has undermined Italy. And the example of bipartisan reform inaugurated by Lombardy, finally implementing the famous slogan "more of the companies, not the state." From education to health, work for international cooperation, scientific research to the care of public parks (as seen even in the district of Catania Librino, see article on page 15) need to free society from corruption, inefficiency, and pervasive statism. It is important that all those sectors in which up to now has been carried out the policy of tax and spend are returned to the free initiative of individuals and undertaken and social groups. Subsidiarity, said in a nutshell, it means that the state does not intrude where there is no need for him. And what do his duty where there is a need instead of his presence.
The ministry serving
question is the famous North-South played backwards from the left, as documented by the wise Ricolfi Hostages of the State. The state must take a step back. Must perform a function of mere guarantor of the public good. Must loosen its grip on people and not replace the action of most economic and social forces. The North has resources to manage themselves without failing in its contribution to the nation and solidarity most disadvantaged regions? Well. Do it work in peace and freedom, without requiring him models of economy, taxation, education, security, immigration and so on, dropped from Rome. The South needs to basic conditions of legality? Well. We guarantee military protection, social development and economic support to all those people who simply do not produce or slogan justice-dreamers, but the facts, business, vocational training, education, education, which are indispensable factors for "remaking the people" and create jobs and GDP .
The gold of the South are young people, tourism, art, nature and culture. It's time to make money from this wealth and leave the road welfarism hairy, investment in the company to lose the whining, the posture of victimhood and frustration. We invest on people who work and produce, not on the committees on anti-mafia in movies and octopuses 1 and 27. The antecedents of this good policy we know them well (although, to date, focused as they were four sull'antipolitica money, the media have talked about and badly). It is the policy of 5 per thousand invented by Giulio Tremonti. Health and school vouchers are invented by Roberto Formigoni in his 14 years of good governance in Lombardy. They are the cultural battles of Giuliano Ferrara ...
But we'll talk. For now, given that Berlusconi has already said that the departments will be twelve and has appointed three ministers, our suggestion is that the Welfare transformed into a "Ministry for the implementation of policies of subsidiarity". The Knight is now in history. Not even the Christian Democrats of the best years ever had the numbers of the PDL. The void left and 100 deputies and 30 senators in the opposition more. A perfect storm. Now Italy can really turn. And sussidierietĂ become the dawn of a new Italy, freer and more popular. Well, if Silvio Berlusconi will compete in this undertaking, go beyond the myth of Alcide De Gasperi.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Mobile Streaming South Park
" real policy is one that advocates a new life in the present, that can also change the structure of power to favor one state that is truly secular, that is at the service of social life second the Thomistic concept of common good resumed vigorously by the great and forgotten the teachings of Leo XIII "(Don Giussani - Speech to Assam).
Whenever we are called to the polls we are provoked, as Christians, to give an account of our faith. This is, in fact, to be ultimately at stake in how we contribute to the building society.
So elections are unique educational opportunity for us to verify what we really are and to expose the possible ambiguity that lies at the root of everything we do.
, politicians are not asking for salvation, is not it that we wait, for us and for others.
We believe that a large party of moderates and liberals can not propose solutions and recipes that run counter to this tradition. Our challenge is to convert the infidels, but work to build a society in which lay people and Catholics can contribute to the common good and construction of a society where the protagonist is personjda. Benedict XVI describes the task of politics: " It is about giving the right form to human freedom ... how do you identify the criteria of justice that make possible a freedom lived together ... can be found as a rule of law which constitutes a sort of freedom, human dignity and human rights "(Address to the University Sapienza of Rome). The call of Prime Minister Berlusconi to freedom of conscience is not a generic "Anarchy of values", but a profound respect for the ideas of everyone. Knowing that freedom of conscience confronts planning commitments clear and clean.
constant reference point for a genuine political commitment is the speech of Don Luigi Giussani in Assam in 1987, where he indicated the basis for political action: the religious sense as' dynamic element, through the fundamental questions driving the expression of personal and social. " Religious sense that is the desire that drives every human action, as he always says Giussani in another text: "The desire is like the spark with which to start the motor. [...] And then he begins to search for the bread and water, began to look for work, looking for the woman, he begins to find a chair more comfortable and more decent housing, is interested in why some have and others no, he is interested in why some are treated in a way and he did not, just under magnification, the dilated, the maturing of these stimuli in which the Bible calls globally and "heart". " Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a society from below, according to the principle of subsidiarity, looking at some examples of political virtue, already seen in recent years, and on which to base commitment for the next elections.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Fibroids Nausea And Headaches
Great success for the inauguration of the "Pathways to Education Policy 2008," political training school sponsored by Circle Network Italy "Thomas More - City of Ravenna "and" Network EmiliaRomagna Together with Italy. " An event that was attended by many young people interested in the path of seminars offered by the school. Guest of the day was John Varani, regional advisor of Forza Italy. To support the "process of education policy 2008 "so many associations and political framework of our region: Michele Grilanda and Aurelio Pariali for ViviPortomaggiore, Alberto Vacchi for the Circle of the Freedom of Portsmouth, John Mulazzani for the Association" The Mascellaro in Bologna and Pasquale Valentini for the Christian Democrats of San Marino .
They opened the working session with their greeting: Roberto Petri - Chairman of An, Eugene Costa - Shared Parent FI, Nereo Foschini for "Thomas More" and other politicians from other cities of Romagna.
Varani, in his speech opening the seminar, he raised the subject of school, awarding the proposal made by the Thomas More of a school policy. "We need places for educational policy" continues Varani "where young people can receive appropriate and helpful to their growth in a political career, which is why I believe that De Carli has been able to catch a compelling coming in particular from younger and offer a proposal really up to the expectations of participants. " Continuing Varani stressed "the importance of life politics as demanding form of charity aimed at providing appropriate tools to people so that they can freely pursue the common good, and their own communities."
De Carli in his speech he explained in detail why you wanted to promote a training school policy, because "there is a strong need to witness in politics, experience in work that may fascinate many young people who feel interest in politics and give it the opportunity and the tools to do their part. De Carli, a new leading role promoting human and Christian then, raises some key words that define the political agenda "Polar Star" on which to rely when you put in work, "Politics as a struggle, battle - Hope as an engine of revitalization of Country - Reason as a means to restore dignity to politics - as a common good goal to strive to make our policy as a service ". In addition This De Carli uses three adjectives that, in his opinion, should indicate the action of a young man in politics: beauty, dignity and generosity. We thank the many participants and beautiful testimony, De Carli asks everyone to work on three issues in particular (Labour, Defence and Promotion of Life and Environment of the Concordia) in order to provide a new and subversive contribution to contemporary political disorientation.
The two politicians in Milan as well as thanking De Carli to recognize the benefits of the proposal were presented a report on subsidiarity as a central point of the model exportable Lombard government at national level.
The participants left the seminar very satisfied opening. The school will be traveling (as well as promote workshops in Ravenna in Ferrara, Portsmouth, Forlì, Bologna and San Marino) with the participation of political figures of the highest caliber, from the European Parliament Vice President Mario Mauro until President Formigoni.
Episode Of Vegeta And Bulma
I want to bring my greetings at the opening of the Paths of political education, through the testimony of my participation in the political training school in Milan. What that experience has meant to me?
For me it was a missing piece in my political career, a route that also looks back now twenty years of experience, now as a militant in a party (DC), now an adviser to minority, now as deputy mayor, now as merely a sympathizer.
Yet despite this long and rich experience, I am proud of, something was missing.
Things have changed, my eyes to politics has changed because I found a reasonable way to deal with nodes of politics, put aside mistrust and finding a way to not stop in front of the limits and the evils of politics.
I am convinced that one can know all the techniques of politics, a good speaker, be prepared in their subject, to have consensus, but if missing a piece, the policy ends up being something that does not fit exactly with his life, even if takes up most of the time, ends up being one of the many technicalities.
So during the trip to Milan with Mirko and Aurelio have lined up a bit 'of ideas that gradually took concrete: a network for friends involved in politics in Emilia Romagna and a school policy that took the moves experience in Milan.
So he saw the light in the summer of 2007 Emilia Romagna Together, a formula that mimics the experience on a regional network of Italy.
But today we see the light of school policy, more specifically Paths of political education, a training school that will touch touring various provinces of Emilia Romagna reality. Since
must honor the substance, then we say thanks to Mirko De Carli with its freshness, its dynamism and its capacity has been able to give shape to the ideas developed during the trip to Milan in fact.
To center well and understand what I mean by the word change I quote a phrase from Benedict XVI's speech is of Wisdom: "Man, just because of the greatness of his knowledge and power, surrenders before the question of truth. And that means at the same time that reason, in the end, turn before the pressure of interest and the attractiveness of utility is forced to recognize it as the ultimate criterion. "
Well, for me the school was like a reawakening to the truth, an incentive not to let the danger of which he spoke about the Pope being realized.
E 'an incentive not to resign that politics is simply a place of intrigues, a passe-par-tout to enter the business world, an instrument bent turbid interest, a shortcut to assert themselves.
We're not foolish enough not to see that unfortunately there's also this and neither are we so presumptuous as to call us out of this danger. However have the task of living with this tension to the political truth together a company of friends who constantly looks at you with frank to tell you where when you're wrong when you're thinking, and understood, that these things should work only and exactly how they are in your head.
This is why we need a continuous and constant training, an educational note that keep us always live the truth.
This new look opens unexpected horizons and makes you live politics in a way that is not the same as before, you find yourself with more friends, you're not alone in making a decision, you have comfort in difficult times, you make yourself useful for other through your work and take the other utilities that are (a document, an analysis, a court, a leaflet).
This unfortunately we can not in all cases, but must be sought in a method, network and Italy is just the method of incorporation, in other words, the natural place of this method.
conclude here by wishing success to this school, in the sense that it can allow many people involved in politics that there is to experience what he has always wanted.
E 'in the name of this hope that I greet and thank his heart Mirko, Gianni, Luca, Paolo and Lorenzo to be here to start this adventure.
Michele Grilanda - Network Italy Portsmouth
Sunday, February 17, 2008
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The current political situation is an 'opportunity that we must live with commitment and responsibility, aware that politics is a battle , a struggle and we must be inside the battle to bear witness to who we are and what we bring. Our "being there" must be full of the human actors and Christian who has always identified with a view to launching a new policy that arises from the reversal of the modern idea of \u200b\u200bman is radically changing the Hobbesian view, that man is evil by nature, which is reached to overcome the idea of \u200b\u200bbody as was necessary to control and regulate the lives of citizens. Our task is to promote the true nature of man as a builder works for a well that is beyond him. ( common good ). The meaning of the policy are contained in the terms contained in the title of two days in Riva del Garda: beauty , because the policy must not make it less a man who does, should not reduce a person to an instrument of power, on the contrary should prove useful for the full realization of self ; dignity, because politics is not a dirty thing, a good deal for schemers, in contrast takes a high moral value if designed and conducted according to the canons of beauty of generosity and service; free , as the policy should not be a tool for their business or to secure a career, on the contrary should be conceived as a service to the people, without inventing or imagining, but interpreting the needs and looking for answers. Network Italy , as in Ravenna in Italy, aims to do its part in this battle. We aim to be a method, a place where you find people who are working in different ways or who want to engage in politics. Network Italy is committed in offering tools to create, link to company. In this campaign you are making the big challenge announced several times by President Formigoni: face to face PD opened with the People of Liberty undetected blackmail by small businesses who want to impose their needs, preventing the majority to govern well . We have so Network Italy viewed positively the choice of the People of Liberty, aware of the difficulty of the challenge to Berlusconi. For Italy this network is an integral part of the People of Freedom: Ravenna we have been the prime movers with the birth of the Circle "Thomas More - City of Ravenna." We have before us a great opportunity and we must play our part: we must not continue to stand by the window justification that things do not go as we would like - now is the time to do their part for this change groped. Our commitment will be in this direction, which is increasingly marked by the promotion of subsidiarity as a principle of governance, such as Lombardy governmental model and Network Italy as a method of subversive political commitment. The phrase that will mark our significant presence in the 2008 election campaign will be " Politics as a reasonable search for truth .

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
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free to say yes' to life
Lay Permanent Committee on Law No. 194
The Lay Committee Standing on the Law No. 194 was created to open a serious discussion of cultural and scientific on a crucial issue for man, namely sanctity of life from the moment of conception until natural death.
Today the laws on abortion, more or less throughout Western Europe, in fact justify its use as a means of birth control, but this is not their function declared. A fund of hypocrisy that must be overcome and we need to do a "state-champion" such as Italy - which has already taken the same position for battle, fair and appropriate, regarding the moratorium on the death penalty - which the responsibility to indicate a cultural principle clear on abortion .
Today the international scientific community agrees on new opportunities survival for premature infants, unthinkable in the years when the rules about 'abortion have been launched. Take note and clarify the limits beyond which we can no longer speak of therapeutic abortion is a task that politics and in our opinion can MUST be.
The Committee believes that the current Law 194 offers theoretically a good number of opportunities for prevention of abortion, on which work is required and that it is necessary to study, propose incentives and above all promote but we also need to collect new information: the guidelines should provide more information specifications for the application of the law.
addition, the Committee was created by transposing the positive message delivered by Giuliano Ferrara with the Great Moratorium on abortion, a proposal which we fully agree, and that after the great success of the moratorium on the death penalty is the logical Therefore in order to stimulate and awaken the consciences of all of the evidence that the child within the mother is a real human being, as he said recently, Cardinal Ruini and like, however, the doctrine of the church worldwide teaches us .
The Committee wishes from this brilliant provocation to inaugurate a permanent work table conceptually open to all the forces that have the desire and courage to confront this delicate issue, tended to translate values \u200b\u200bof the centrality of life and its sacredness in the proposed policies and actions (eg. in support of motherhood, in particular the most difficult, in favor of larger families ...).
In this sense, the promoters undertake to launch initiatives and working-time to discuss and promote a serious " education culture of life " looking to collaborate with organizations working actively on this front ( by way of example but not limited to the Movement for Life ) with the intent to seek the broadest consensus possible between those engaged in the promotion and defense of life.
" free to say yes' to life " is our slogan because it expresses so well defined the meaning of our proposal to promote and reaffirm the centrality of life, and then man.
Mirko De Carli
Nicola Grandi
Massimo Mazzolani