Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Eml Series E100 Light Stays On

free to say yes' to life!

Interview friend Giuliano a big "In half an hour"
led by Lucia Annunziata on the battlefield in defense of life

Standing Committee on Lay Law 194: Yes to life, we are with the Pope!

Speaking of abortion at the hearing to the members of the Movement for Life, received Monday morning in the Vatican, in the Hall of Blessings, the Pope spoke with the delicacy and attention of a father who loves their children by focusing on some of the most significant aspects of the matter. (The full speech can be found published in our press). "Your visit - said Benedict XVI - falls to the thirty years since abortion was legalized in Italy and it is your intention to suggest a thorough analysis of human and social effects that the law has produced in civil and Christian communities during this period. "

Looking at the past three decades and considering the current situation, one can not but recognize that defending human life has now become practically more difficult, because it has created a mentality of progressive degradation of its value, given the opinion of the individual . As a result it has led to a decrease in respect for the human person, a value which is the basis of all civil coexistence, over and above the faith we profess. "

A Benedict XVI's interesting to express an opinion, he wants people to exercise to the full exercise of reason.

The Pope, moreover, does his job. Well the headline today's newspaper in an editorial signed by the writer Luke Doninelli: The Pope is the Pope .

Benedict XVI is like a boat and tells his friends and the world where the horizon is and in so doing can not refrain from expressing an opinion clearly and succinctly: "To have permission to use the interruption of pregnancy, not only did not solve the problems afflicting many women and quite a few families, but it has opened a further wound in our society, unfortunately, already burdened by deep suffering. "

Pope, we could say, "fly high". Christianity is a proposal and a meeting, while the company tries to keep him harnessed within the categories of "do and do not be." Where the idea prevails that Christianity is confined to a list of prohibitions, the Pope tries to help people breathe more deeply. We usually like people used to always live in the city and when he goes to the mountains in the habit of not open the lungs because they are afraid even to breathe the smog.

Benedict XVI suggests and indicates, however, that there is, indeed, a breath, a life, a positive to adhere to. Although problems remain, which must be taken into account.

"So much effort, indeed, in recent years have been made, and not only by the Church, to meet the needs and difficulties of families.

But we can not ignore the fact that several problems still grips the society today, preventing you from giving space to the desire of many young people to marry and start a family for the unfavorable conditions in which they live. The lack of job security, laws are often inadequate for the protection of motherhood, the inability to ensure adequate support to children, are some of the obstacles that seem to stifle the requirement of the fruitful and open the doors to a growing sense of no confidence in the future. "


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