Sunday, December 9, 2007

Steve Prefontaine Singlets

WHO IS THE GAME OF LOGIC much worse, the better, Giorgio Vittadini

I read a sentence of the book festival that has particularly struck me: "The small establishment is terrified of true stabilization of Italy since the end of a number of disasters from the judiciary that only allow the inner circle and financial media to exert a disproportionate function director on the history of Italian society. " This observation is important because it gives a hypothesis to explain the fact that the face of certain enzymes of positivity, the social and economic recovery did not take off. I refer to the fact that from 2001 to 2007 a part of the small and medium enterprises is recycled and managed to become competitive despite the lack of infrastructure, the inconsistency of our foreign policy, labor market after the opening of Biagi law tends to be compressed again, a tax of at least 10 percent above the threshold of reasonable and, in general, a political-institutional framework to put it mildly stagnant. Why do not advocate the extraordinary performance that emerges from the bottom of the Italian production? Why, for example, in terms of welfare, after the servants are not even in Italy implement solutions such quasi-markets "blairiani? Or why not export the model of virtuous administration of Lombardy, where they have been successfully tried out school vouchers and welfare, where health is recovering, it has a smaller cost than other Italian regions and at the same time achieves peak excellence that put us at the top of the offer European health? It seems that the so-called small establishment described by festival to find its own balance of forces in preventing free themselves capable of representing an Italy different from that expressed by the "party of decadence." We understand that when which documents the existence of a good that is in motion, when they are given tools to the social and productive, when the system resumes operation and the policy back to "sit at the head, then point some circles become marginal. At best, it is said that Italy should remain a colony, that the buildings from below are evil, that subsidiarity is to hold in great disdain, that the membership are to be cut and that Italy must stop being unusual for a company integrate into the international financial system dominated by capitalism. The value of this book is that it offers a red thread and a synthesis to read what's behind the logic of "the worse the better ' who wants to leave this country at a standstill.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Whatever Happened To Denise Milani

whistle format


realize the promotion and protection of the family provided by the Constitution

- To maintain and educate their children, the family, as well as a moral obligation and a natural constitutional right and duty.
- This is the big tax issue today in Italy the system of family taxation. An unfair tax means poor families, families that do not make it, that children are not born. A country that is not renewed. Families are heavily penalized, perchŽ really does not take account of family expenses.
- It should be therefore introduced a tax system based sullÕequit not only vertical (who has more pay more) but also horizontally on horse that, in equality of income, those who have children to support should not be paid, in practice, the same fees for those who do not.
- The taxable income must therefore be calculated not only according to their income, but also by the number of family members.
We, as a first step towards true fairness in taxation, a system of deductions from income that is the real cost of maintaining each person charged on the basis of equivalence scales, regardless of income, which scholars have long identified.
- This simple, easy to apply, maintains the progressivit levy, improving it can replace ~ lÕattuale complicated system of deductions. The problem of those who do not enjoy the deductions because of income too low, so-called said sums being insufficient, we can easily solve by introducing ~ lÕimposta negative unÕintegrazione income equal to the deduction does not have enjoyed it.
- In this way, nellÕambito of a future, comprehensive tax reform, it will be possible to predict even lÕintroduzione tools, such as the family quotient, which have the base, as a taxpayer, but no longer lÕindividuo the household.

A signature for the sake of your family, all families! What

good for the family good for the country

Friday, October 26, 2007

Pink Camo Wedding Dresses

Family Manifesto for good policy (for the week of Catholics in society) The group of all

For a good policy
text drafted by the Catholic liberalper consult the social week of Italian Catholics
presented by: Ferdinando Adornato, Roberto Formigoni, Giuseppe Pisanu
and signed by: Valentina Aprea, Claudio Azzolini, James Baiamonte, Raniero Benedict, Maurizio Bernardo, Isabella Bertolini, Laura Bianconi, Mariella Bocciardo, Maria Burani, Cesare Campa, Gabriella Carlucci, Giuseppe Cossiga , Simone Di Cagno Abbrescia, Ida D'Ippolito, Luigi Fedele, Giuseppe Franzoso, Raffaele Lease, Giuseppe Gargani, Enrico La Loggia, Luigi Lazzari, Maurizio Lupi, Salvatore Mazzaracchio, Patrizia Paoletti Tangheroni, Adriano Paroli, Egidio Ponzo, Roberto Rossi, Maurizio Sacconi, Angelo Santoro, Angelo Sanza, Gustavo Selva, Franco Stradella, Antonio Tajani, Roberto Tortoli, Guido Viceconte Hortensius Zecchino.

write these pages and offer to the public debate because we need to open a new era of engagement by Christians and liberals in Italian politics.
After the war, the Christian-liberal was the star, under the pressure of Alcide De Gasperi and Luigi Einaudi, an extraordinary work of building the First Republic. In the name of freedom, social justice and democracy. After fighting fascism, and in contrast to the continuing Communist totalitarianism, he wanted new institutions based on the value of the person and the family, the right to work and to private property, natural foundations of freedom.
We think that even today we need a new extraordinary commitment to reaffirm the context of Western values \u200b\u200bthat have brought decades of human development in peace and freedom. These values \u200b\u200breturned in fact being threatened by two major enemies: Islamic terrorists who want to abolish it, and the ethical relativism which would denature them. Two totally different kind of enemies but they can, each from their point of view, questioning the foundations of our civilization. Therefore it is necessary throughout the West and in Italy it would result in a moral awakening and an extraordinary political commitment of lay Catholics and eager to reassert the values \u200b\u200bthat underpin our society. Moreover, these same values, the two pillars of the West, Europe and America can strengthen their relationships to deal with, with the tools you need and democracy that have to strive for peace, global issues of 'illiberal capitalism and Islamic expansionism of Communist China.
So we want to call the liberal world and the Christian world to a new alliance that on the basis of right reason and in accordance with natural law fosters the life, liberty and dignity of the person to re Italian politics, its institutions, its laws.
The Italian company was able to overcome challenges with hard work but always with great vitality; Recently, however, gives signs, more and more obvious and serious unraveling, degradation, displacement and insecurity. It is therefore necessary to roll up our sleeves and fight. Faced with the negative effects of secularism, the lure of the almighty technoscience, the illusions of easy money, the spread of social corporatism, our first efforts will be aimed at protecting human life and the family which is his natural habitat, the freedom of education and, finally, an ecology of media to make them allies of the civil development of moral schools, families and society.
The fact is that we are losing in our society the virtues of honesty, openness, respect for self and others, responsibility and freedom of creativity, in a word it is losing the seed of all genuine freedom. Thus, in the language and intention of the policy will be losing the sense of common good. Conversely it is, in our opinion, the only foundation of every public act, without which the same decade the need for political activity.
Revive and spread the culture of the common good: this is therefore the first core of a plan for the future of Italian society. A program based on a clear ethical and an equally clear social project.
From the ethical standpoint we feel who have a positive conception of the secular state. For us it is sacred, inviolable self-determination of the private morality of each individual. It must be defended constantly by each of the ethical, ideological or religious it is. But it is also considered sacred charter of our universal values \u200b\u200bthat are largely the values \u200b\u200bof Christianity. By the time the Act, any Act, deemed to be overcome and bend him, as happened in the twentieth century, at the same moment, the freedom of man would begin to wane. The dawn of tyranny.
For us, the liberal principle of state secularism has nothing to do with that ideological secularism that seeks to expunge the religious dimension from public life, relegating it to mere private choice. If it is true that no State may take any liberal religious doctrine as the foundation of its jurisdiction, it is equally true that none of the liberal religious values \u200b\u200bcan not be excluded from the construction of its public ethics. Where the candidates withdraw from democracies to establish their social and political agreement on the centrality of the person and the primacy of natural law, they would negate the very basis of their freedom. That's because being secular, as we are in public life, does not in any way mean to be nihilistic or relativistic or unrelated to the absolute and universal values \u200b\u200bof Christianity.
Equally clear is our social project. We hear from time urgency of a new season of Italian modernization. In the last fifteen years, despite the emphasis from across the political spectrum to the need to liberalize the economy, the labor market and the administrative system, little has been able to do, in fact accumulating further delay. So the long Italian transition, instead of promoting a reconciliation between citizens and politics after the collapse of the nineties, is in danger of closing new poisons spreading anti-politics and, ultimately, undemocratic.
has come forward to say, therefore, the reasons for a new policy or, indeed, good policy, looking toward modernizing liberal and supportive of our country.
The current socio-economic dynamics, in addition to not provide the growth needed, spread unease in the country, uncertainty, insecurity. The old welfare state, inefficient and assistance programs, provides growth and lead to the wings does not help, even aggravates the social malaise. In fact, it feeds on the one hand statism and individualism on the other; puts the brakes of all kinds together and produce increasing economic all'intrapresa dissipation of resources devoted to solidarity.
should therefore be a new program for the nation that has centered on the individual and the family and that it rests on three pillars: 1) an efficient social market economy finally liberated from prejudice, strings and wires, and 2) the deployment of a effective solidarity with those who need and 3) the realization of the principle of subsidiarity according to which the smaller body, starting with the family, the right to choose and to act independently and to seek help from larger institutions and bodies, without being coerced .
on these three principles, you can switch the Welfare State welfare society creating a true social market economy as part of a harmonious reorganization of institutions and an effective reduction of the public sphere.
We think that this is the way to strengthen social cohesion and revitalizing civil society. This, in turn. involves the adoption of three priority 1) revitalization of education, research and training 2) the restoration of legality and safety 3) reduction of taxes in order to hold together the economic growth with social cohesion and civil. If you are not reinforcing the links between business and society, if not passed by the Welfare State to Welfare Society, it also threatens national unity.
We are not nationalists, we are convinced Europeans, but we live in the nation as a strong and prosperous communities and, not least as a source of historical dignity, feeling and heritage that we receive from our ancestors and we want to leave our children. At the same time feel
Europe as a meeting of peoples and nations, whose cultural and historical peculiarities, economic and social, combining the best in the sign of Christian values, they must do with the wealth of our continent. For this the new Union's institutional framework needs to be regulated by the principle of subsidiarity. So while we give in units of sovereignty to the European homeland, I feel bound to consolidate the unity of the Italian nation. Having been largely undermined by the ideological and political divisions of the Cold War, it is now exposed to the risk of arbitrary contrast between the emerging issue of the North and the historic Southern Issue.
These different problems to be solved together in a spirit of solidarity. The issue of the North is essentially in the right and pressing demand for a more modern and effective state able to respond to the extraordinary capacity for growth that have made Northern Italy one of the most prosperous regions of Europe.
the Southern question instead is the expression of a historic economic divide and social differences between the South and the North of the country, almost one hundred and forty years of national unification, is likely to expand today. Just consider that migration from South to North has returned to the levels of the sixties. The difference is that now no longer migrate laborers and unskilled workers, but graduates, depriving the South of his best human resources and its remaining hopes of development. Paradoxically, while continuing the oppression of the plot bureaucracy-clientele-crime, there is today an unprecedented historic opportunity to undo the knots most tenacious of the Southern question.
fact with the emergence of new Eastern powers like India and China, the Mediterranean regain a privileged position in the game of the great streams of development, offering to our south, natural Mediterranean platform, the ability to intercept increasing flows of energy resources, cargo, capital and persons crossing the "small sea of \u200b\u200bgreat civilizations." But the platform should be equipped and managed with appropriate economic policy decisions and foreign policy interests of the country.
In this perspective, the expected recovery in North and South can bind waiting for redemption, as never before, filling, including economic and social work of the Risorgimento. Moreover, as recently reaffirmed by the Governor of the Bank of Italy, North without the South did not start again.
other hand will never be any way out of fueling the conflict between North and South would be a false and sterile opposition, which would provide an alibi for those who want to leave things as they are making it impossible for any serious political and institutional reform.
We believe that the transition from Welfare State to Welfare Society and the Central institution for full implementation of subsidiarity, it is also the key to the solution of the matter is that of the south and north of their current threat of dualism.
This implies many things, and first two. 1) The process of renewal must be experienced in a spirit of national solidarity and to put an end to a sort based on active cooperation and solidarity between different regions of the country.
2) If the size of European economic and political center of Brussels is decisive for Italy, which is crucial to be chosen for each national context, even the Mediterranean. Italy must take the lead in the Barcelona process and new development initiatives euro-Mediterranean, claiming its geopolitical position, its historical experience and the peculiar vocation of its southern Mediterranean. Even now, the development is the new name for peace.

IV is now clear that the Italian political system has not yet managed to close the transition began in the nineties. This undermines the credibility of the ruling class by making it appear far from the reality of the country and unable to understand the questions from the company, select them, give their order and then decide. We recognize the great merits of the old political system, but we have no nostalgia for that which consociativismo his first inclination toward forms of popular democracy and then eventually crystallize into party politics. But we are absolutely convinced that nothing positive can come from the suggestions of anti-. Indeed, under the illusion that the people in front of the complex problems of contemporary society there may be shortcuts for solutions. But history has shown us that shortcuts are not and anti-politics produces bad policy soon, unskilled personnel, and general disappointment folding illiberal.
However, we must recognize that in the present situation of our country, the daughter of anti-politics is bad politics: namely, the lack of reliability and quality of the political class, the decline in the level of cultural representation, the growing alienation of the common good and general fall of morality that is felt rather than in civil society, among the political leaders, trade union, economic and cultural.
should, therefore, difficult to walk along the road of promoting real reform through democratic selection, a class manager with civil passion and competence, professionalism and technical policy. Freedom, quality and reliability are the three watchwords of good policy should be to Italy.
From this point of view we feel the need to also review the First Part of the Constitution, freeing it from some parts anachronistic, but does not alter the plant built by the founding fathers. Let us think for a Republic that is equipped with: 1) reporting the most advanced of state intervention and private initiative, so that it also commences the horizontal subsidiarity and finally recognize the space due to the creativity of the individual, family and bodies intermediate all fields of activity, 2) a strong institutional and political system but not pervasive, both the center and the periphery, 3) more powers of the executive decision-making at all levels, 4) a more decisive role in steering and monitoring of representative assemblies , 5) a joint federal spending decisions and tax collection; 6) of an electoral system that embodies the sovereignty and democracy of citizens in the selection of governments.
The bipolarity is for us an achievement to which modern Italy can not give up. But if we recognize that currently uses it rude and immature, perhaps by promoting unnatural alliances to win but not suited to govern. Instead, we believe that more can and should reach a mature bipolar son of alliances homogeneous, bound by common values \u200b\u200band ideals. This result can not be achieved only by changing the electoral law. Any election law, even the best, it can be circumvented if it is accompanied by bold political decisions, cultural and even ethical by the parties. Ally with anyone, even far from its values, but to win is not good policy and it is not real politics.
For our part, we work in our area because it comes just one big party of moderates Italians linked to the EPP, a party of freedom, reliability and quality, leading to completion the history of the Italian center-positive and formed groups and the popular and liberal voters also placed differently. By analogy, we welcome the birth of the Democratic Party hope that it will resolve the contradictions of values \u200b\u200band programs that characterize it so far, so that it becomes not only our loyal opponent, but also authoritative partner in the democratic process.
We bring these ideas and resolutions to social week of Italian Catholics in the hope that they can contribute to the commitment of our entire society for the common good.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Woman Sitting At Pins

and for all

From tomorrow the new group will operate the club, "Thomas More" in which anyone can participate by expressing their opinion on the issues in dispute. It 'can' post '(comment) action that will in the shortest possible time will receive a response. The topics will cover our cities and small or large problems that concern every day: for this please feel free to express consideration, views, problems and proposals especially because we will be happy to do something Vs needs to meet the limit of our capabilities and resources.
By this I refer you to the group where, by late tomorrow afternoon, will be open the first two debates on the themes "SICKLE AND CART" and "SUBSIDIARITY 'ANOTHER NAME OF FREEDOM': 5 PER THOUSAND AND SMALL WORKS ".

Click and have your say!

To participate you need to create their own ACCOUNT of GOOGLE!
E 'simply click the address above and then click into the discussion by you welcome! You will be required to interact to create an account and you you click on CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT! Follow the instructions and you can join the group and actively participate without problems!

The protagonist will be YOU!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Scholarships For Women Thyroid

against anti-politics, the politics of

against anti-politics of any sort ... I'll tell unpopular one thing I know! I will do exactly the opposite of what any good handbook of political marketing is strongly recommended to every politician who wants to serve its consent: smoothing the hair of the public, sniff the winds of popular scents and put the sails in that direction! But I will say what I really think after so many years of involvement in public administration and policy. Let's start from the center point of the question: can we be satisfied with the policy now? Certainly not! Nor I am! Yet the answer can not be generalized Vaffa .... Warning: There is nothing more that nourishes the bad policy of anti-drift. Drift. Yes shorthand: the idea that politics can change exorcise, tearing it like a bad cancer that must be eradicated by social, rather than doing the daily grind of an attempt positivo.Un attempt itself is always imperfect and therefore, like all human efforts in each field (the enterprise, research, love life ...), always subject to the limit and error and thus the criticism. But a good attempt, driven desire to build rather than destroy and what we want to do this bisogno.Per praise of politics! On the very day when many if not all, and not without reason, they weave rather than wickedness lodi.Mi the inclination has always been struck by this strange man and all the nature it is so easy to destroy, it takes little time and little effort, often in exchange for instant success ... while so much is so hard to build! It 's a mysterious thing, "makes more noise than a tree falling in a forest that grows" and, I add, in 10 minutes you can bring down a plant that employed 10 years or 10 centuries to grow! One can not take this strange contradiction of nature, we take a step forward only on these imperfect attempts, sometimes miserable, but where is the dignity of man and his desire to build a better world, yet we are passionate so little to them, always ready to highlight the negative, what's wrong, what is missing rather than what is there. We take a taste for the cry, heartless criticism, backbiting, envy, bitterness. We like that, just ... are men. [We are beings' most carnal and bestial imaginable "as Eliot said.] But we're in this boat, the boat of the human family - it's called nation, region, local - and this boat proceeds only if someone makes the effort to get the oars. We do all this hard work every day at home, at work and in politics, but instead we prefer to reproaching the estimated va.Tutto that this is true everywhere, but in politics it is more true than anywhere else. This summer I read a good book. It is titled "The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama, one of the leading Democratic candidates for President of the United States. Began with an observation, apparently true also in the U.S. "do not need a poll to know that most Americans are tired of that dead zone that politics has become (...) we hear correctly that the most significant challenges of the nation continue to be ignored (...). We need a new kind of politics that can excavate and build shared understandings. " Who does not feel a motion of approval here? So how again? Obama continues: "within the experience of my country there are some ideals that continue to excite our minds, a shared set of values \u200b\u200bthat binds us together despite their differences, an unbroken thread of hope that sustains our improbable experiment in democracy ". The more likely of our experiment in democracy! But here too there are still ideals that we enjoy and values \u200b\u200bthat bind us together. And 'from this starting point should be that if you really want to get out of the dead zone of politics! From what unites, not what divides. From what we include, not exclude that! An ideal but it is all the more credible the more it is embodied in a concrete experience. And the experience is just by nature full of limitations and contradictions, full of mistakes and unjust things - "rightly" reproach, according to a righteousness which is the most inhuman of errors if you do not have a shred of sympathy, charity quell'imperfezione for the attempt that binds us together. There is another, more subtle risk should be avoided. Transforming the perfect dream! Beware of those who toil daily to break the bread of politics, preferring to spread the ideals of their gold dust so perfect that it can not be charged. And 'the old myth of the "sun of the" what in reality never rises to davvero.Lo said long ago, the then Cardinal Ratzinger of a delegation of German politicians visited it, "the irrationality of political myths are true risk of our time. The politician has to be sober and implement what is possible is not the job of the politician with the heart on fire to claim the impossible (...) can seem limited to a renunciation of moral passion (...) but the agreement itself did not ' absence of any compromise, is the real moral of political activity "is this: the true morality in politics is compromise possible. An attempt continuous, stubborn, almost always unpleasant to find the meeting point, mediation, acceptance by the majority, possibly by all (blue, red, green ...) of a "possible", or what is realistically feasible for a positive contribution to the life of tutti.Questa is the highest form of politics that I know! Not always inflames the heart, but contributes to the nourishment of real bodies and spirits. Whether to make a road, railway, or the justice reform. So today - the day of the many vaffa ... and some crow - I want to publicly praise those who insist on along the road as possible and really look - of course not always succeeding - to reach the goal. Today, increasingly, they do have in accepting the risk of exchange instead of "the public estimation" (once the President Scalfaro said a duty) to the far more humiliating "public contempt" or at least "public distrust" and this makes their human and moral stature to my even greater occhi.Sono them that with their daily rowing - stubborn and always ready to start with everyone - make the boat forward of all. In politics as in life. In front of them, right and left, below and above, I take off my hat.

Source: Network Italy

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Whats Good To Eat After Stomach Flu

Approaching "Autumn" hot politics, but when will the winter of reforms?

is approaching the hot autumn of Italian politics. Not mass social movement, but fragments of parties and political designs that float in the air, but could not find a stable configuration. Not so it's not about the country. The condition of chronic instability of the Italian political system is one of the causes of the failure to make reforms, is a factor in the decline of Italy. In the deployment of government are forming three parties: the Democratic Party, in which contend for the space's former reformist and centrist former Christian Democratic Party and the former left, the radical left to moderate Mussi, the radical left-radical Jordan-Diliberto-Pecoraro Scanio. On 23 July the government signed an agreement between the social partners on pensions, which lowered the age of 58-step staircase provided by the Berlusconi government in 60 years to retire. Against this agreement, which costs about € 10 billion, partly paid by temporary workers, and against social insecurity that it would parade the streets on October 20 even ministers and secretaries of the two radical left Prodi government, which has signed THAT ' agreement. The three parties of the alliance at risk of collision and the government will fall. Behind are the tensions rekindled the debate on electoral law is at stake is the agreement on an electoral system among the major parties of government and opposition to a reduction annuities and spaces for children held hostage by the forces. Over all hangs the sword of Damocles of the referendum. As for Berlusconi, he is not sleeping on the riverbank. Until the government implodes, unleashed in the footsteps of Mao Tse-tung, a bombing of its headquarters, creating a "Freedom Party", which enables a change in depth of the old ruling class of "Forza Italy" . The transaction-garters - those Michela Brambilla, ça va sans dire - it tends to upset the structure of "non-party party" whose fortunes and whose men are hung arbitrary total of Berlusconi. Many "senators" of the party shaking. In this context, the interest of the Knight to the electoral law is minimal and purely tactical. Sure to win the election, using every tool that will lead to the downfall of the government, after returning to positions of power and the restructuring of the political and electoral system. The country continues to wait for deciding policy.

Source: Times

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What Size Trowel For Tile

"All for one and one for all"

document presenting the project "Together EmiliaRomagna"

Contemporary society has at its base an individual that, in a desperate search for the attainment of its desires, try to procure for him the ultimate well-being with the least responsibilities and with the least possible risk.
an unscrupulous individualism, rationalism and the Enlightenment mold, said the experience of contemporary man seeks to achieve a total mastery over reality. In this climate of "manipulation" of reality is always more difficult to talk about relationships that arise from a sharing of ideas and projects and thus form a true societas.
"EmiliaRomagna Together" was created as open space and free in comparison, the "networking" of the different local operations with a view to creating a new "culture of doing", of "working together". In this sense emerges powerfully vocation original and the original political commitment: to serve the people to give every person the tools to achieve the common good of himself and of his community.
The association intends to raise an idea of \u200b\u200bsociety "just" in which the conditions are there for each subject, either public or private, can best express his potential, his talent. In a time of severe crisis like the present, where the gap between passive and active electorate is increasingly critical, we must rely on what is the 'soul' of our country: human capital.
Today, Italy is the heartland of the person, and also especially in its various forms aggregates (first of all, the family founded on marriage between a man and a woman pursuant to Art. 29 of the Constitution) by taking an 'action for the use and reconciliation of the various Italian social souls: that of the risk (entrepreneurs, traders , crafts ...) and security (pensioners, employees, unemployed ... ..). It should raise an agenda, based on the principle of subsidiarity, which states that a serious idea of \u200b\u200bcountry you want to build with the tools available to concretize it is necessary to prepare a list of actions to be put on the field with a view to obtaining the results listed in the program, also created a successful campaign of "sharing" with citizens of the 'undertaken realized. "
"EmiliaRomagna Together" aims to unravel our region and our country from the network of nodes that forces them to proceed slowly.
We bring out the enormous energy present in our country: the moral energy, economic and civic spirit. We believe it appropriate to start from the fundamental assumptions, such as the value of the person and the "ability of man to be free" (Quadragesimo Year - Pius XI).
institutions and family, in this sense, they should offer the younger generation of model behavior based above all on the concept of responsibility, through a serious balance of rights and duties, with the aim of ensuring inclusion and opportunity for growth.
As part of a "culture of responsibility", it is increasingly the need to reaffirm an unprecedented meritocracy, can take root through the disruption of the homologation contemporary culture, the daughter of a distorted concept of equality, with the aim to recognize and support the merit and talents, especially when they belong to people who come from families in need of help and support needed to make equal opportunities and mobile society.
"EmiliaRomagna Together" is proposed as its primary objective the enhancement of priority concepts: freedom, family, reformist, secular, accountability and meritocracy.
The critical challenge is to implement policies and practices at the various levels of responsibility (municipality, province, region, state) that can be implemented in the best way, the values \u200b\u200bespoused by our daily actions. We are not interested
utopia, we are interested in reality: why we aspire to high ideals with the knowledge that our work can not be more than a "noble compromise between the provocation and tension of the real idealist" (Cardinal Angelo Scola ) being politics, a "very human activity that deals with man as man" (Don Gnocchi).
Our desire is to deal man as it is, being aware of the instruments, always perfectible, at our disposal.
All for one and one for all: this should be our motto, our motto, we must ask ourselves to support all those forces that underlie the great political traditions which inspire our efforts (popular Catholic, liberal, social democratic, liberal and Liberal). In this sense, we intend to make proposals to rebalance the system Emilia Romagna as part of the broader scheme of Italy through full cooperation and sharing with individuals and different social forces, inspired by the great European experience (that of Sarkozy in France and that of Tony Blair in England) and homegrown (to Roberto Formigoni in Lombardy). But this is not enough: we must start from that heritage to make it our own and create a new model, Emilia Romagna and, consequently, a new model for Italy.
from our own local situations, by their common passion for politics to create a sweeping circuit of ideas and proposals that can establish itself as a "star" of all the forces of the reforms and innovations of our country. We wish to reaffirm the lost identity of our country, starting from the innate social creativity of the small villages, which has always characterized the history of Italic.
To achieve this requires "many I enjoy rich questions of today, but they are already restless with the desire to build tomorrow, free because they follow something or someone who has awakened their desire "(G. Vittadini).


The school has as its purpose the education policy, starting with a renewed assessment of reality. The school's task will be to bring the younger generation emerging in the political passion, but also to "revive" those personalities who have long considered civic engagement as a sort of "thing for a few end in itself."
All this is possible through an approach constructive and critical to reality, with the aim of creating a "policy of the present tense to the future", perceived as "reasonable hope" for all of us.
implementation procedures:
Login: early 2008; Number
lessons: available according to the reality and realize meetings;
Maximum length: 1 year;
Modus operandi: a meeting for each province or municipality interested in the project - each meeting will be at least one teacher (preferably education), one or more experts in political analysis and a journalist;
Topics: subsidiarity, the common good, the cost of politics, political marketing, family, health and public finance;
Tools: dossier, brochures, press releases, document library events.

have the objective of creating an open and free in which to compare the various forces, political and social changes that will actively promote the principle of subsidiarity.
"EmiliaRomagna Together" aims to support and encourage the creation of the Intergroup for subsidiarity at local (municipal and provincial) through the action of the newspaper associations affiliated to it. In this sense it is interesting to promote a work table with the various political forces and civil society are willing to work together to implement policies subsidiaries.
implementation procedures: Contact
the various political parties interested in the project;
Promoting a meeting with all associations, public or private, interested to meet and to accede to the proposal;
Making a meeting inviting some of the promoters of the Parliamentary Intergroup communicate more effectively promoted the action and synergy;
be committed with the aim of making more and more common heritage and shared the principle of subsidiarity (proposing tax credits work, good schools, health voucher);

· NETWORK: The network
is necessary to take "Circulating" the different experiences of the policies associated with "" EmiliaRomagna Together ". This is necessary to create a real circuit of friends in politics where everyone is free to make their shared heritage lived.
The Association is not structured as a center and periphery, but actualized and soul with the action of many "stars" that light up and become the core of the network every time endeavor in the sense that above.
implementation procedures:
Mailing List;
Joint Secretariat.

Mirko De Carli
Club President of Liberty "Thomas More" City of Ravenna

Monday, May 28, 2007

Difference Between Flip Mino Hd And Ultra

Emilia Romagna Network .... build it together with Paul

Introducing the paper outlining the Italian network, the circuit of friends in politics who share different political experiences to good works common. The intention of our club is to create a regional network with all those organizations and cultural associations of different kinds close to the center-right. The aim is to implement an effective radicalization of the CDL in the Emilia-Romagna and to share from the different local operations and, lastly, to join forces in the service of a people center-right and not just waiting for strong and decisive response to the unstoppable dominance of the left.
Soon there will be published a document presenting the project "Network of Emilia Romagna", the result of work of the Circle "Thomas More" and other business areas of Emilia-Romagna.

Network Italy is a "circuit" of friends who were engaged in various political titoloin, look with sympathy and desire to get involved in the action of Italy Roberto Formigoni.Rete is therefore a circuit of friends who want to help who have a political responsibility, provide one another with news, reviews and experiences that emerge from the daily affront of its realtà.Si defines "network" because it is not a center and a periphery which communicates that the listener, but, through its "hubs", each one becomes the "center" of Italy Network at the very moment in which "brings with it" communicates and offers - in his own reality - the 'experience and friendship that unites him to help us in judging altri.Desideriamo and action not in an "academic" or "ideological," but starting with the vivid experience of the political work of everyone at any level! In addition, the Italian network is proposed as a place where a request support in solving practical problems, for which the criteria are addressed, they can assume a symbolic and common to all: in this case only the aid, the ability and willingness of all collaborated on a "training" for one another. Network Italy then it is not an association, or at least a party or an internal power and therefore considered to comply as a method of access to personal invitation.

For more information please contact the website (click on Network Italy)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Bath Pillow For Straight Backed Bath

We are no ifs, ands or buts


"without hypocrisy, and out of political and electoral interests, Paolo Foschini has clearly and simply wanted to support, with an obvious joke, that in his opinion there is no systematic discriminatory intent against homosexuals, while believing that there is also a professional victim. The context of the debate and the sentence, which is attracting so much interest and controversy instrumental, if read, clearly does understand the meaning of the positions and what caused it. The vehement reactions, compared to a review, reveal a culture that prefers to intimidate rather than to propose reasons. Foschini his part did not threaten anyone evoke purges. Others are doing it. Foschini has only said what he thinks. Who does not agree can legitimately disagree. It is equally clear that Foschini can distinguish between institutional role, as demonstrated very well in yesterday's issue of terrorism, and the role of party politics. But there are those who want to mute one of the most serious and determined opposition voices in the City Council. And then maybe getting out the most is the sense of game left against Foschini taken pretext: they are actually competing to see who has more right to represent certain worlds, and then started a game rising in tone, so this is unacceptable because dark and prevents any comparison, which however did not recoil from Foschini.
Press Release of solidarity promoted by Gianni Varani (cons. reg. FI) and also signed by Mirko De Carli and Nereo Foschini. For more information about the incident Bolognese Go to the site

Sunday, May 20, 2007

What's The Largest Curling Iron

"Health and Welfare as a sustainable model in E. Romagna and Ravenna

It 's the first synthesis confirmed by the speakers themselves of one of the meetings organized by the Circle "Thomas More." The meeting we are referring to took place on 28/02 / 2007 c / o Hall Berlinguer (Second District) with the presence of G. Varani (cons.reg. FI) and Emmanuel Giangrandi (Association of Health Prov.le ...) and an interested audience and purpose (present more than 80 people).

Mirko De Carli : The health of our region in the identification of real criteria for good health, if and how much influence management decisions on policy directions, technical and organizational?
Emanuela Giangrandi : We must reaffirm a serious responsibility and awareness on health management through the centrality of man. It 'important to understand the health issue not only as a health issue, re-establishing the responsibilities of citizens. Necessary decisions are consistent with the impact that they might produce. Is certainly not easy to think in terms of health promotion. We must aim for a role of policy to promote health, through a meeting between technical choices and health needs. The goal is to make less and less influence on the health of the political system. Finally one of the key problems to be addressed is that of a health management often does not take into account the needs of citizens.
Gianni Varani : Health is the most important item of the regional budget and employs about 80% of the regional pension fund. Surely one of the crucial points of debate regarding the sustainability of the health system. To date, there is a stable system, a perfect picture. We need more resources as the budget deficit, the problem has arisen with regard to funding from dall'aziendalizzazione health and to date has never been reasoned in terms of lower-expenditure rationalization. Although funding is always increasing the financial difficulties remains: this is the unknown to face when it comes to health care system. Today it serves more subsidiarity in health, more private accredited public support, we must point to a serious health federalism in order to avoid the emergence of issues such as those of the unpopular tickets included in the 2007 Budget.

Mirko De Carli : In evaluating the quality of our health, taking account of waiting lists and shortage of beds, which parameters to take?
Emanuela Giangrandi : I do not think that one of the beds of the most efficient quality standards. Also exclude a priori quantitative parameters. The parameters may be more reliable: the quality of professional services more accessible, fair and equitable distribution in the territory of the same. The quality of health care offers the quality of "taking charge" or the ability of the system to interact with people. We need to seriously propose a new relationship between hospital and territory, the idea of \u200b\u200bcircularity in the system.
Gianni Varani : A response to the problem of waiting lists may be the involvement of private operators. In our political behavior we see this problem perceived by people as a certain injustice. In response to these difficulties our citizens are migrating to Emilia-Romagna Lombardia and Veneto where they have already successfully addressed the problem of waiting lists. Lombardy has accredited the private and the citizens are free to choose which contact through the medium of property tax credit. Need a new pact social exclusion, taking into account that the performance of health care funzioni9 compliance enforcement proceedings is not enough, because human error can always be there.

Mirko De Carli : Tickets and consumption of drugs: how to tackle the health gap in terms of representation?
Emanuela Giangrandi : In the pact signed by the current government health remains the objective of revenue. Surely there is no issue of federalism in health, but there are regional differences in terms of cost. I support a national health system, but I still need to take the threads of a debate on its territorial organization. I believe that the government erred by introducing the ticket for in the budget on outpatient services, although at present we are advancing proposals for review, such proposals on the cost of the ticket modulated performance. We must address the cost of citizens of their responsibility in the implementation and monitoring of the system.
Gianni Varani : The problem is rooted in the fact that we live in a country with two speeds. The way to reconcile these "two Italys" must be developed in terms of fairness: federalism as empowerment. We must go beyond the welfare state, asserting a new mix of state and private accredited.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

How Does Mitrazapin Work

CNSU Elections (National Council of University Students)

votoIn Days and times of all Italian universities will be voted on Wednesday 16 / 5 from 8:30 to 19:00 Thursday 17 / 5 from 8:30 to 14:00 E 'must be present at polling stations equipped for an identity card or student card.

In University presentations: costruireL'università Italian pours time into a serious identity crisis. The reforms of recent years have caused an overall lowering of the level of teaching and learning (and, now more than ever, we should a clear commitment on the quality of the training). The current government, despite the optimistic expectations of many, confirmed the general disinterest of the political class for the university (the cut in funding is the only constant). In addition, the nodes most important issues affecting the future of our academy were not even addressed. This farm-to-day, in a logic of pure sopravvivenza.A Against this background we see a growing bureaucratization of the system and the progressive attempt to anesthetize the eagerness of the students. While the reform explicitly requires an increase in frequency, the other the dream (secret) of so many seems to be a "student-model" that universities do not disturb, do not leave too many questions and obediently "licealizzare. But the university can not lose its identity. Through the concrete relationship between students and teachers, it is called to be a place for training staff to deal with the reality not only competence, but also with creativity and critical thinking skills. The first condition for a university is that they are living lives that people live and are committed to build it. The student elections can not therefore be the responsibility of "politics", according to a grotesque revival of small-scale parliamentary logic. Priority should be given the presence on the field, direct contact with situations and problems. At the university we are interested because we live with our needs and our expectations, which are those of all. In it we have first to explore a passion for the pursuit of truth and the achievement of a common good. For this reason we do not want to give up our contribution, as we have already begun to do in recent years. Our commitment to the academic bodies - even in the realistic view of the low weight of student representation - stems from a positive experience and proven knowledge that the students, all students belong to any group or inspiration, can contribute, as individuals or membership as a reality, the construction University. A presence that does not wait for the world has changed: it is a friendship that work, that changes starting today and which we are now the protagonists.

CLDS-Coordination Lists for the Right to Education