Sunday, September 16, 2007

Whats Good To Eat After Stomach Flu

Approaching "Autumn" hot politics, but when will the winter of reforms?

is approaching the hot autumn of Italian politics. Not mass social movement, but fragments of parties and political designs that float in the air, but could not find a stable configuration. Not so it's not about the country. The condition of chronic instability of the Italian political system is one of the causes of the failure to make reforms, is a factor in the decline of Italy. In the deployment of government are forming three parties: the Democratic Party, in which contend for the space's former reformist and centrist former Christian Democratic Party and the former left, the radical left to moderate Mussi, the radical left-radical Jordan-Diliberto-Pecoraro Scanio. On 23 July the government signed an agreement between the social partners on pensions, which lowered the age of 58-step staircase provided by the Berlusconi government in 60 years to retire. Against this agreement, which costs about € 10 billion, partly paid by temporary workers, and against social insecurity that it would parade the streets on October 20 even ministers and secretaries of the two radical left Prodi government, which has signed THAT ' agreement. The three parties of the alliance at risk of collision and the government will fall. Behind are the tensions rekindled the debate on electoral law is at stake is the agreement on an electoral system among the major parties of government and opposition to a reduction annuities and spaces for children held hostage by the forces. Over all hangs the sword of Damocles of the referendum. As for Berlusconi, he is not sleeping on the riverbank. Until the government implodes, unleashed in the footsteps of Mao Tse-tung, a bombing of its headquarters, creating a "Freedom Party", which enables a change in depth of the old ruling class of "Forza Italy" . The transaction-garters - those Michela Brambilla, ça va sans dire - it tends to upset the structure of "non-party party" whose fortunes and whose men are hung arbitrary total of Berlusconi. Many "senators" of the party shaking. In this context, the interest of the Knight to the electoral law is minimal and purely tactical. Sure to win the election, using every tool that will lead to the downfall of the government, after returning to positions of power and the restructuring of the political and electoral system. The country continues to wait for deciding policy.

Source: Times


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