Monday, May 28, 2007

Difference Between Flip Mino Hd And Ultra

Emilia Romagna Network .... build it together with Paul

Introducing the paper outlining the Italian network, the circuit of friends in politics who share different political experiences to good works common. The intention of our club is to create a regional network with all those organizations and cultural associations of different kinds close to the center-right. The aim is to implement an effective radicalization of the CDL in the Emilia-Romagna and to share from the different local operations and, lastly, to join forces in the service of a people center-right and not just waiting for strong and decisive response to the unstoppable dominance of the left.
Soon there will be published a document presenting the project "Network of Emilia Romagna", the result of work of the Circle "Thomas More" and other business areas of Emilia-Romagna.

Network Italy is a "circuit" of friends who were engaged in various political titoloin, look with sympathy and desire to get involved in the action of Italy Roberto Formigoni.Rete is therefore a circuit of friends who want to help who have a political responsibility, provide one another with news, reviews and experiences that emerge from the daily affront of its realtà.Si defines "network" because it is not a center and a periphery which communicates that the listener, but, through its "hubs", each one becomes the "center" of Italy Network at the very moment in which "brings with it" communicates and offers - in his own reality - the 'experience and friendship that unites him to help us in judging altri.Desideriamo and action not in an "academic" or "ideological," but starting with the vivid experience of the political work of everyone at any level! In addition, the Italian network is proposed as a place where a request support in solving practical problems, for which the criteria are addressed, they can assume a symbolic and common to all: in this case only the aid, the ability and willingness of all collaborated on a "training" for one another. Network Italy then it is not an association, or at least a party or an internal power and therefore considered to comply as a method of access to personal invitation.

For more information please contact the website (click on Network Italy)


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