Monday, March 7, 2011

Causes Of Dark Stool Red Wine

PDF - read and edit with free programs.

Acrobat Reader and the " Portable Document Format (PDF ) have been a blessing for Internet communications when they were introduced for the first time .
With this file format invented by Adobe, it was possible to share documents, preserving the formatting and editing of the same, regardless of word processing software that was used to create it.
Over time, the PDF format has become a worldwide standard for disseminating documents, both at work and business, both in home and school. The
Adobe has become rich and powerful and has sought to improve its Reader, a program designed to open and read pdf files.
improved and developed, always adding new features added, Adobe Acrobat Reader programmone has become a big and heavy with a lot of features unnecessary for 99% of users.
From first to last version, version 10 X Adobe Reader, it has gone from a 2 MB of software to one of 35 MB that after you install it takes about 150 MB of space on your computer.
Basically, when you open a pdf file with Reader 9 download time and memory usage has tripled and it is unclear why.
The alternatives to Acrobat Reader are then used to read pdf files as if you were reading a web page, which opens that quickly, even on older computers and less powerful.

Here quelel try to list that I consider the best alternative to Adobe :

Foxit Reader
Good free program that allows you to read and view documents in PDF format. It 's very light (only 7.14 MB), easy to use (there's nothing to understand), and above all not installed. Just click on it and he starts, allowing us to read any PDF (so we can launch it from a different HD, CD, USB stick, etc.)..
The speed is lightning fast, even with documents with hundreds of pages (and do not need to have Acrobat installed), for a program that you can not already apprezzarre the first time. Unfortunately, on some complex documents, sometimes gave me problems when printing on paper.

If you search for a program with some function in addition, there is always the best Nitro PDF Reader.
PDF X-Change Viewer
Splendido PDF viewer. Maybe not as fast as Foxit Reader, but on the other hand has other qualities worthy of note, including a beautiful graphical interface (the best of the class, in my opinion), the usual ability to zoom or rotate pages, and possibility of making notes colored and clearly visible (Or comments, or stamps, as APPROVED like) through the text, or underline or highlight the same, just as if we had a marker (as long as the text of the PDF has been recognized with an OCR). E 'can also convert PDF to images (GIF, JPG, etc.)..
many ways is the best free program to view PDF (Foxit Reader is faster and requires no installation, but also for PDF X-Change Viewer is a portable version), with the hope that it continues to remain free. You can use free of charge to both personal and commercial purposes.

in recent versions has become a bit 'heavier (due to the many additional features), and, with the free version of PDF X-Change Viewer is not possible to extract / save individual pages of PDF (but for this, there is still SAM PDF ...).
E 'application open source that allows you to change (cut, merge and reorganize) the pages of PDF documents. In other words, if we have separate PDF, we can combine them into a single PDF, or-for example-we can extract a few pages (not portions of the page) from a single PDF, or move pages within a document (eg exchanging the second page with the third, and so on).
options available to create / split / change / rearrange are many: just as an example, we can split a PDF depending on the even pages, odd, to bookmark or after a number of pages chosen by us, and in other ways, all viewing to the pages of PDF in a graphical screen.

The first few times you use it is not too intuitive, because they lack the classic drop-down menu and it's not clear where to click.

To work, the computer requires the presence of java (, which does not help to make it very light (especially in the presence of large PDF).

other PDF Reader Here:

SumatraPDF legegro is the most absolute and portable that you should install but it works as-is and open source, free and without advertising.

Cool PDF Reader is small, and lightweight, portable and fast, it works without installation does nothing but read pdf files by opening them in a moment as if you surf the Internet.
The only options are zoom in or out and forward buttons to change pages and back.

SlimPDF is a small 1.4 MB which allows software to read PDF documents quickly, with buttons for printing, zooming and rotation.
very important, maybe a little 'less good than in Sumatra but a convenient choice of the heavy Adobe Reader.

Perfect PDF Reader is still a bit 'bigger but the installation package that weighs about 22 MB also contains other programs that do not need to install and then, once installed does not exceed 15 MB.
It can be said that the name "Perfect" is not indicated if he too is trying to trick the user propinano useless things hidden in the program.
If you choose this player to open the pdf file so be sure to deselect everything except the Reader during the installation process. The interface reminds
this time Office 2007, so it's practically identical in graphics with the icon in the upper left and the menu of mixed voices.
curious that there is a button that says "Open in Acrobat Reader", but how you use to replace it and want me to use?

Skim very good, but reserved for the world Mac OS X . About 9 MB.


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