As every year, as part of the overall review of awards INAIL those circumstances, regardless entity and the possibility of the reduction should not be forgotten as an assessment of the ability to access the reduction represents an important opportunity for the company to verify their business situation as regards the rules of prevention, even as regards the main aspects documentary / administrative. This will make it possible to identify and plan interventions, leading to under situations when non-compliance, will enable the reduction, if not for 2011, at least for next year.
However, please note that, for the assessment of your business situation with respect to any request for the reduction of the premium, should be given consideration the following information:
to achieve reduction must declare that "requirements are complied with in respect of accident prevention and hygiene in the workplace" and it also made during 2010, some measures to improve safety levels among those listed in the forms;
should be possible to document, in case of inspection in the company, the correctness of the statement: it is evident that this means, in many cases (eg regarding the training of workers, or management of working procedures), the need for written documentation of compliance.
It should be noted that the reduction can not ask companies that have been detected, even in the years prior to this one, of the deficiencies noted in a definitive way by the inspection bodies. In addition, if the reduction is granted and thereafter during an inspection, after detection of risk situations is the refund of the premium is not paid and the application of sanctions. In light of the foregoing, it is clear that the company is required to assess not only the feasibility of the request for reduction, but also the convenience of the same in relation to the business situation, bearing in mind that the premium reduction will be especially attractive because for companies with higher premiums.
That said, if the company deems appropriate to evaluate the situation more thoroughly, both to verify the feasibility or otherwise of the request for reduction in 2011 that, eventually, to understand the level of adjustment to the main obligations safety, I must point out that the undersigned is available to provide the necessary technical advice free of charge, in order to draw up a check-up and complete an offer for a possible relationship of assistance.
All information related to filling out the form OT24 for the request to reduce the premium, you can find at this link That said, if the company deems appropriate to evaluate the situation more thoroughly, both to verify the feasibility or otherwise of the request for reduction in 2011 that, eventually, to understand the level of adjustment to the main obligations safety, I must point out that the undersigned is available to provide the necessary technical advice free of charge, in order to draw up a check-up and complete an offer for a possible relationship of assistance.
PI John Marcolini
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