1. If we talk about mobile tank, park the vehicle, equipped with flame trap nets, operating on the site, you may, depending on site conditions, at 3:00 m from the wells manholes of underground tanks. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Transennatura operational area for at least a radius of 8:00 m from the center of danger (manhole tanks) with appropriate barriers or marker bands; installation of warning signs (no access to unauthorized persons, no smoking or open flames, flammable materials) and placement of fire extinguishers the attached form
3. Control equipment for the task at hand, using the appropriate check-list, made by the team manager. Dressing personnel with appropriate clothing: white cotton or terylene overalls, boots or shoes, antistatic gloves, PVC or other material, and preparation of the face mask air coming from an external source and safety harness. E 'mandatory, non-sparking direct or indirect, that the persons to carry out reclamation should be removed from the body mass of each metal or metal (bracelets, necklaces, watches, etc.) and each garment acrylic. Moreover, they also prohibiting the use or possession of mobile phones and any electronic equipment unrelated to the work, the equipment listed above shall be used and / or rented outside the operational area.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Disconnecting from the cabinet of all the utilities at distance of less than 8:00 m from the center of danger (manhole tanks) and ensuring non-reclosing of breakers wiring as indicated in the methodology CEI 11/27 (PES training and PAV): The QE locked or padlocked the switch, place a warning sign (note that the sign alone is not enough!). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Connecting all metal equipment used to the earthing system. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Opening carried out with caution to the well of the cover manhole and using a suction machine explosion (Marked Ex cat.2) which shall reduce the LEL (lower explosive limit), a limit which should be monitored with special explosimeters. For oil products the value of security must be \u0026lt;= 8%. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Thorough cleaning of the cockpit hatch with spark-proof tools, intake of liquid by suction pump connected to PVC piping or equipment always manually using PVC, ensuring to remove any solids in the well such as caps, rocks, seals, etc. ..
8. Spraying of a solution of water by Sabol and lance with rubber-coated to prevent the formation and / or the spread of gas, with subsequent verification explosimeters to control LEL. (\u0026lt;= 8%). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Opening of the angle valve (if present) with elevation of the cup (components on the manhole) for the drainage of oil in the tank to be carried out with spark-proof tools. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. If there is significant product in the tanks and its quantification, measure with metric and auction information table in the presence of the operator, making the monitoring of water with a special paste detector. The transfer of the product will still be reused in adjacent tanks by using the adf pump connected to PVC pipe. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. Manual removal or by wire rope winch with tripod placed on aluminum, spark-proof tools, equipment pdu on the manhole cover and positioning the same on a PVC sheet. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. In order to avoid risks due to obstruction of materials and equipment must be always respected the following criteria:
- the waste must be immediately collected and stored according to the types;
- waste materials should be put aside in order and then removed from the site;
- any equipment no longer used should be placed on the truck;
- any spillage of product should be immediately absorbed and clean;
- access roads should be maintained to the operating sgombere from materials of any nature and kind
13 . Check presence of the link grounding of the tank, ensuring the continuity of the system to the network before performing open manhole. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
14. Cleaning cover with pdu idrojet and aspiration of liquid by suction pump connected to PVC piping or equipment always manually using PVC, loosening bolts and nuts holding the manhole cover using non-sparking tools, manual removal or by winch with cable rope placed on tripods in aluminum manhole cover using ropes or cords are suitable and spark, luggage cover away from pdu well (not to impede the movements of operators) and on a PVC sheet previously drawn (not to contaminate the soil from pollutants). Home mechanical ventilation of the gas in the tank, using a suction machine and a special pipe explosion (the passage of gas through a suction filter with active carbon acts to reduce the danger of them) during this phase must be used and to use non-sparking equipment. During the 7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 operator used in the cleaning of the well and disassembly of the equipment of the PDU must be assisted and monitored by other operators.
15. Aspiration of the existing sludge in the tank with hand pump adf-specific works in the presence of explosive vapors. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
16. Continuation of mechanical ventilation by car exhaust gas explosion (the passage of gas through a suction filter with active carbon acts to reduce the danger of them) inside the tank and subsequent ventilation when using the same machine vacuum explosion-proof up to the LEL value of \u0026lt;8%. The operation will be repeated whenever the explosimeters indicate exceeding the safety threshold. The vapors are vacuumed filtered through charcoal filters. Verify that the presence of oxygen is> = 19%. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
17. Water mist and filming by launching idrojet connected to the in-vehicle inside the tank in order to reduce any residual vapors and aspiration of the resulting operation. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
18. Placing aluminum ladder in the manhole of the tank. Entry Operator (Equipped with a harness attached by carabiner to the rope winch aluminum supported by aluminum tripod, another operator acting on the winch to power the cable so that the descent of the other operator carried out in safety), appropriately dressed in white overalls cotton or terylene, boots and / or anti-static shoes, gloves and PVC mask equipped with filters or air from a compressor outside, inside the serbatoio.Se necessary you can 'repeat the operation described in paragraph 17. The other two players in the square, dressed in white cotton or terylene overalls, boots and shoes antistatic / PVC gloves, harness and already worn masks or air filters in an easily accessible position, will assist the operator who is inside the tank. The operator inside the tank will be brought out immediately if the oxygen level to \u0026lt;= 18%. If you have any problems inside the tank operator, these must be communicated to employees through the square on the movements of the rope winch (tears) in numbers previously agreed, at the time that the operator is located outside the tank to check the his being sick and perform emergency procedures. During the entire operation to clean the inside of the tank must be always maintained the aspiration / ventilation air through the use of machine / vacuum fan explosion, and the continuous monitoring of the vapors inside the tank by explosimeters provided (the LEL must be \u0026lt;8%). During the control should be suspended ventilation of the tank which would alter the effective detection dell'esplosimetro. If necessary administer first aid immediately and contact phone numbers listed on the emergency card integrated into the check-list. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
19. Positioning of the lamp explosion (marked Ex ctg1) Thoroughly clean the inside of the tank that can be done either through PVC suction pipe connected to a special pump adf either manually or with equipment in PVC. The material collected will be packed in drums or tanks to contain the waste and placed on the vehicle operating. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
20. If required by Sponsor will clean the tank with idrojet until all cleaning it, will take place 'always' dry walls with sawdust and removing the same with broom broom and plastic buckets or plastic, providing, at the end of operation, the use of filming (Sabol), which will be 'applied with a spray atomizer. Again, during the whole process of cleaning the inside of the tank must always be maintained forced air intake, through the use of explosion proof suction machine, and the continuous monitoring of the vapors inside the tank by explosimeters provided ( the Lower Explosive Limit 'must be \u0026lt;8%.
21. visual inspection of the state is located in the tank, and an indication on the form included representing the tank, any holes, microporosity, corrosion and if the tank is already glazed. If requested by the client to be given the same position and related measures. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
22. After cleaning, the operator out of the tank and withdrawn lineup, provide additional mechanical ventilation and subsequent ventilation of the gas inside the tank, using a suction machine and a special pipe explosion (the passage of gas through a suction activated charcoal filter acts to reduce the danger of these people) and subsequent verification with explosimeters to control LEL. (\u0026lt; 8%). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
23. For all the tanks (to be reused and must be removed) to provide for the closing crawl (using winch positioned himself three feet of aluminum) with nuts and bolts must be positioned between the tank and lid suitable seal, and restore the connection of of land. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
24. Filling a confirmation report of work by the team, showing the estimated amount of waste disposed of, pad size and description of the work dell'esplosimetro
25. Removing the barriers surrounding the building site, storage of equipment used and drum filling of the polluted material (gloves, overalls, etc.).. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
26. Disposal of waste in the tank (Legislative Decree no. 22/97)
sludge tank cod. ERC 160708 160706
ex cod oil emulsified with water. ERC 130802 130505 ex
2. Transennatura operational area for at least a radius of 8:00 m from the center of danger (manhole tanks) with appropriate barriers or marker bands; installation of warning signs (no access to unauthorized persons, no smoking or open flames, flammable materials) and placement of fire extinguishers the attached form
3. Control equipment for the task at hand, using the appropriate check-list, made by the team manager. Dressing personnel with appropriate clothing: white cotton or terylene overalls, boots or shoes, antistatic gloves, PVC or other material, and preparation of the face mask air coming from an external source and safety harness. E 'mandatory, non-sparking direct or indirect, that the persons to carry out reclamation should be removed from the body mass of each metal or metal (bracelets, necklaces, watches, etc.) and each garment acrylic. Moreover, they also prohibiting the use or possession of mobile phones and any electronic equipment unrelated to the work, the equipment listed above shall be used and / or rented outside the operational area.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Disconnecting from the cabinet of all the utilities at distance of less than 8:00 m from the center of danger (manhole tanks) and ensuring non-reclosing of breakers wiring as indicated in the methodology CEI 11/27 (PES training and PAV): The QE locked or padlocked the switch, place a warning sign (note that the sign alone is not enough!). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Connecting all metal equipment used to the earthing system. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Opening carried out with caution to the well of the cover manhole and using a suction machine explosion (Marked Ex cat.2) which shall reduce the LEL (lower explosive limit), a limit which should be monitored with special explosimeters. For oil products the value of security must be \u0026lt;= 8%. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Thorough cleaning of the cockpit hatch with spark-proof tools, intake of liquid by suction pump connected to PVC piping or equipment always manually using PVC, ensuring to remove any solids in the well such as caps, rocks, seals, etc. ..
8. Spraying of a solution of water by Sabol and lance with rubber-coated to prevent the formation and / or the spread of gas, with subsequent verification explosimeters to control LEL. (\u0026lt;= 8%). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Opening of the angle valve (if present) with elevation of the cup (components on the manhole) for the drainage of oil in the tank to be carried out with spark-proof tools. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. If there is significant product in the tanks and its quantification, measure with metric and auction information table in the presence of the operator, making the monitoring of water with a special paste detector. The transfer of the product will still be reused in adjacent tanks by using the adf pump connected to PVC pipe. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. Manual removal or by wire rope winch with tripod placed on aluminum, spark-proof tools, equipment pdu on the manhole cover and positioning the same on a PVC sheet. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. In order to avoid risks due to obstruction of materials and equipment must be always respected the following criteria:
- the waste must be immediately collected and stored according to the types;
- waste materials should be put aside in order and then removed from the site;
- any equipment no longer used should be placed on the truck;
- any spillage of product should be immediately absorbed and clean;
- access roads should be maintained to the operating sgombere from materials of any nature and kind
13 . Check presence of the link grounding of the tank, ensuring the continuity of the system to the network before performing open manhole. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
14. Cleaning cover with pdu idrojet and aspiration of liquid by suction pump connected to PVC piping or equipment always manually using PVC, loosening bolts and nuts holding the manhole cover using non-sparking tools, manual removal or by winch with cable rope placed on tripods in aluminum manhole cover using ropes or cords are suitable and spark, luggage cover away from pdu well (not to impede the movements of operators) and on a PVC sheet previously drawn (not to contaminate the soil from pollutants). Home mechanical ventilation of the gas in the tank, using a suction machine and a special pipe explosion (the passage of gas through a suction filter with active carbon acts to reduce the danger of them) during this phase must be used and to use non-sparking equipment. During the 7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 operator used in the cleaning of the well and disassembly of the equipment of the PDU must be assisted and monitored by other operators.
15. Aspiration of the existing sludge in the tank with hand pump adf-specific works in the presence of explosive vapors. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
16. Continuation of mechanical ventilation by car exhaust gas explosion (the passage of gas through a suction filter with active carbon acts to reduce the danger of them) inside the tank and subsequent ventilation when using the same machine vacuum explosion-proof up to the LEL value of \u0026lt;8%. The operation will be repeated whenever the explosimeters indicate exceeding the safety threshold. The vapors are vacuumed filtered through charcoal filters. Verify that the presence of oxygen is> = 19%. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
17. Water mist and filming by launching idrojet connected to the in-vehicle inside the tank in order to reduce any residual vapors and aspiration of the resulting operation. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
18. Placing aluminum ladder in the manhole of the tank. Entry Operator (Equipped with a harness attached by carabiner to the rope winch aluminum supported by aluminum tripod, another operator acting on the winch to power the cable so that the descent of the other operator carried out in safety), appropriately dressed in white overalls cotton or terylene, boots and / or anti-static shoes, gloves and PVC mask equipped with filters or air from a compressor outside, inside the serbatoio.Se necessary you can 'repeat the operation described in paragraph 17. The other two players in the square, dressed in white cotton or terylene overalls, boots and shoes antistatic / PVC gloves, harness and already worn masks or air filters in an easily accessible position, will assist the operator who is inside the tank. The operator inside the tank will be brought out immediately if the oxygen level to \u0026lt;= 18%. If you have any problems inside the tank operator, these must be communicated to employees through the square on the movements of the rope winch (tears) in numbers previously agreed, at the time that the operator is located outside the tank to check the his being sick and perform emergency procedures. During the entire operation to clean the inside of the tank must be always maintained the aspiration / ventilation air through the use of machine / vacuum fan explosion, and the continuous monitoring of the vapors inside the tank by explosimeters provided (the LEL must be \u0026lt;8%). During the control should be suspended ventilation of the tank which would alter the effective detection dell'esplosimetro. If necessary administer first aid immediately and contact phone numbers listed on the emergency card integrated into the check-list. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
19. Positioning of the lamp explosion (marked Ex ctg1) Thoroughly clean the inside of the tank that can be done either through PVC suction pipe connected to a special pump adf either manually or with equipment in PVC. The material collected will be packed in drums or tanks to contain the waste and placed on the vehicle operating. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
20. If required by Sponsor will clean the tank with idrojet until all cleaning it, will take place 'always' dry walls with sawdust and removing the same with broom broom and plastic buckets or plastic, providing, at the end of operation, the use of filming (Sabol), which will be 'applied with a spray atomizer. Again, during the whole process of cleaning the inside of the tank must always be maintained forced air intake, through the use of explosion proof suction machine, and the continuous monitoring of the vapors inside the tank by explosimeters provided ( the Lower Explosive Limit 'must be \u0026lt;8%.
21. visual inspection of the state is located in the tank, and an indication on the form included representing the tank, any holes, microporosity, corrosion and if the tank is already glazed. If requested by the client to be given the same position and related measures. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
22. After cleaning, the operator out of the tank and withdrawn lineup, provide additional mechanical ventilation and subsequent ventilation of the gas inside the tank, using a suction machine and a special pipe explosion (the passage of gas through a suction activated charcoal filter acts to reduce the danger of these people) and subsequent verification with explosimeters to control LEL. (\u0026lt; 8%). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
23. For all the tanks (to be reused and must be removed) to provide for the closing crawl (using winch positioned himself three feet of aluminum) with nuts and bolts must be positioned between the tank and lid suitable seal, and restore the connection of of land. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
24. Filling a confirmation report of work by the team, showing the estimated amount of waste disposed of, pad size and description of the work dell'esplosimetro
25. Removing the barriers surrounding the building site, storage of equipment used and drum filling of the polluted material (gloves, overalls, etc.).. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
26. Disposal of waste in the tank (Legislative Decree no. 22/97)
sludge tank cod. ERC 160708 160706
ex cod oil emulsified with water. ERC 130802 130505 ex