Saturday, March 12, 2011

Info Onstrawberry Sundae Club Los Angeles

Reclamation of a tank or mobile - How

Confined Space.

1. If we talk about mobile tank, park the vehicle, equipped with flame trap nets, operating on the site, you may, depending on site conditions, at 3:00 m from the wells manholes of underground tanks. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Transennatura operational area for at least a radius of 8:00 m from the center of danger (manhole tanks) with appropriate barriers or marker bands; installation of warning signs (no access to unauthorized persons, no smoking or open flames, flammable materials) and placement of fire extinguishers the attached form
3. Control equipment for the task at hand, using the appropriate check-list, made by the team manager. Dressing personnel with appropriate clothing: white cotton or terylene overalls, boots or shoes, antistatic gloves, PVC or other material, and preparation of the face mask air coming from an external source and safety harness. E 'mandatory, non-sparking direct or indirect, that the persons to carry out reclamation should be removed from the body mass of each metal or metal (bracelets, necklaces, watches, etc.) and each garment acrylic. Moreover, they also prohibiting the use or possession of mobile phones and any electronic equipment unrelated to the work, the equipment listed above shall be used and / or rented outside the operational area.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Disconnecting from the cabinet of all the utilities at distance of less than 8:00 m from the center of danger (manhole tanks) and ensuring non-reclosing of breakers wiring as indicated in the methodology CEI 11/27 (PES training and PAV): The QE locked or padlocked the switch, place a warning sign (note that the sign alone is not enough!). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Connecting all metal equipment used to the earthing system. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Opening carried out with caution to the well of the cover manhole and using a suction machine explosion (Marked Ex cat.2) which shall reduce the LEL (lower explosive limit), a limit which should be monitored with special explosimeters. For oil products the value of security must be \u0026lt;= 8%. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Thorough cleaning of the cockpit hatch with spark-proof tools, intake of liquid by suction pump connected to PVC piping or equipment always manually using PVC, ensuring to remove any solids in the well such as caps, rocks, seals, etc. ..
8. Spraying of a solution of water by Sabol and lance with rubber-coated to prevent the formation and / or the spread of gas, with subsequent verification explosimeters to control LEL. (\u0026lt;= 8%). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Opening of the angle valve (if present) with elevation of the cup (components on the manhole) for the drainage of oil in the tank to be carried out with spark-proof tools. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. If there is significant product in the tanks and its quantification, measure with metric and auction information table in the presence of the operator, making the monitoring of water with a special paste detector. The transfer of the product will still be reused in adjacent tanks by using the adf pump connected to PVC pipe. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Manual removal or by wire rope winch with tripod placed on aluminum, spark-proof tools, equipment pdu on the manhole cover and positioning the same on a PVC sheet. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. In order to avoid risks due to obstruction of materials and equipment must be always respected the following criteria:
- the waste must be immediately collected and stored according to the types;
- waste materials should be put aside in order and then removed from the site;
- any equipment no longer used should be placed on the truck;
- any spillage of product should be immediately absorbed and clean;
- access roads should be maintained to the operating sgombere from materials of any nature and kind
13 . Check presence of the link grounding of the tank, ensuring the continuity of the system to the network before performing open manhole. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

14. Cleaning cover with pdu idrojet and aspiration of liquid by suction pump connected to PVC piping or equipment always manually using PVC, loosening bolts and nuts holding the manhole cover using non-sparking tools, manual removal or by winch with cable rope placed on tripods in aluminum manhole cover using ropes or cords are suitable and spark, luggage cover away from pdu well (not to impede the movements of operators) and on a PVC sheet previously drawn (not to contaminate the soil from pollutants). Home mechanical ventilation of the gas in the tank, using a suction machine and a special pipe explosion (the passage of gas through a suction filter with active carbon acts to reduce the danger of them) during this phase must be used and to use non-sparking equipment. During the 7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 operator used in the cleaning of the well and disassembly of the equipment of the PDU must be assisted and monitored by other operators.
15. Aspiration of the existing sludge in the tank with hand pump adf-specific works in the presence of explosive vapors. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

16. Continuation of mechanical ventilation by car exhaust gas explosion (the passage of gas through a suction filter with active carbon acts to reduce the danger of them) inside the tank and subsequent ventilation when using the same machine vacuum explosion-proof up to the LEL value of \u0026lt;8%. The operation will be repeated whenever the explosimeters indicate exceeding the safety threshold. The vapors are vacuumed filtered through charcoal filters. Verify that the presence of oxygen is> = 19%. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

17. Water mist and filming by launching idrojet connected to the in-vehicle inside the tank in order to reduce any residual vapors and aspiration of the resulting operation. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

18. Placing aluminum ladder in the manhole of the tank. Entry Operator (Equipped with a harness attached by carabiner to the rope winch aluminum supported by aluminum tripod, another operator acting on the winch to power the cable so that the descent of the other operator carried out in safety), appropriately dressed in white overalls cotton or terylene, boots and / or anti-static shoes, gloves and PVC mask equipped with filters or air from a compressor outside, inside the serbatoio.Se necessary you can 'repeat the operation described in paragraph 17. The other two players in the square, dressed in white cotton or terylene overalls, boots and shoes antistatic / PVC gloves, harness and already worn masks or air filters in an easily accessible position, will assist the operator who is inside the tank. The operator inside the tank will be brought out immediately if the oxygen level to \u0026lt;= 18%. If you have any problems inside the tank operator, these must be communicated to employees through the square on the movements of the rope winch (tears) in numbers previously agreed, at the time that the operator is located outside the tank to check the his being sick and perform emergency procedures. During the entire operation to clean the inside of the tank must be always maintained the aspiration / ventilation air through the use of machine / vacuum fan explosion, and the continuous monitoring of the vapors inside the tank by explosimeters provided (the LEL must be \u0026lt;8%). During the control should be suspended ventilation of the tank which would alter the effective detection dell'esplosimetro. If necessary administer first aid immediately and contact phone numbers listed on the emergency card integrated into the check-list. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

19. Positioning of the lamp explosion (marked Ex ctg1) Thoroughly clean the inside of the tank that can be done either through PVC suction pipe connected to a special pump adf either manually or with equipment in PVC. The material collected will be packed in drums or tanks to contain the waste and placed on the vehicle operating. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

20. If required by Sponsor will clean the tank with idrojet until all cleaning it, will take place 'always' dry walls with sawdust and removing the same with broom broom and plastic buckets or plastic, providing, at the end of operation, the use of filming (Sabol), which will be 'applied with a spray atomizer. Again, during the whole process of cleaning the inside of the tank must always be maintained forced air intake, through the use of explosion proof suction machine, and the continuous monitoring of the vapors inside the tank by explosimeters provided ( the Lower Explosive Limit 'must be \u0026lt;8%.
21. visual inspection of the state is located in the tank, and an indication on the form included representing the tank, any holes, microporosity, corrosion and if the tank is already glazed. If requested by the client to be given the same position and related measures. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

22. After cleaning, the operator out of the tank and withdrawn lineup, provide additional mechanical ventilation and subsequent ventilation of the gas inside the tank, using a suction machine and a special pipe explosion (the passage of gas through a suction activated charcoal filter acts to reduce the danger of these people) and subsequent verification with explosimeters to control LEL. (\u0026lt; 8%). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

23. For all the tanks (to be reused and must be removed) to provide for the closing crawl (using winch positioned himself three feet of aluminum) with nuts and bolts must be positioned between the tank and lid suitable seal, and restore the connection of of land. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

24. Filling a confirmation report of work by the team, showing the estimated amount of waste disposed of, pad size and description of the work dell'esplosimetro
25. Removing the barriers surrounding the building site, storage of equipment used and drum filling of the polluted material (gloves, overalls, etc.).. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

26. Disposal of waste in the tank (Legislative Decree no. 22/97)
sludge tank cod. ERC 160708 160706
ex cod oil emulsified with water. ERC 130802 130505 ex

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Isabella Soprano In Cathouse

management companies under contract: Articles. 26 and 30 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008

Why an organizational effectiveness has extenuating circumstance, there must be proper management of activities related to the execution of works contracts. Responsibility, qualification of suppliers, security costs, coordination and supervision.
- Leg. 81/2008: the contracts with regard to safety and health at work is regulated in Article 26. It is emphasized, in relation to the themes of the meeting, paragraph 1, 4 and 5;
- Leg. 276/2003 "Implementation of proxies in respect of employment and the labor market, including the Law of 14 February 2003, no 30 ": With reference to Article 29 (Contract) and 30 (Detachment).
After defining who is a worker ("regardless of the type of contract held a job in the organization of a public or private employer, with or without pay, but only to learn a trade , an art or profession, excluding domestic service workers and family ") are addressed responsibility of the employer.
The offenses alleged "is that in the case of a contract not genuine, the worker may be effectively regarded as detached". The Employer Labour should "provide all the requirements applicable to their employees, so in case of injury to a business that does not fall within the production cycle, but that was contracted and which therefore was not done the risk assessment , the customer could be charged with failure to assess risk, non-health surveillance, lack of training etc .... "
Other responsibilities may be related to the "non-recognition of the security costs" and "lack of coordination, and enforcement of preventive measures by the Customer."
In relation to the technical aspects and, in particular supplier qualification, "which documents apply to avoid having to respond jointly to the employees of companies under contract to the non-payment of wages and social security and insurance and / or to correctly handle the ' contract? An example of

documents require:
- Certificate of registration with the Chamber of Commerce;
- self-certification of the eligibility requirements of Article 26 Technical and vocational paragraph 1 letter a) point 2 of Decree. April 9 2008 No 81;
- codes of INPS and INAIL;
- evidence of regular dell'assolvimento obligations of insurance and contributions to date of request for qualification (DURC)
- unique book for each employee working within the contract,
- medically fit for the job for each employee working within the contract pursuant to article 41 D. Lgs. 81/08 and later. mod. and under L.131/2003;
- a reference to insurance liability and RCO contracted voluntarily, the ceilings, any waiver of recourse;
- documents relating to the risks introduced within the framework the contract;
- references, books for registration, certification similar quality and supplementary documentation;
- appointment of the Leader to coordinate the work within the contract. "
is clear - keep the speakers - who have a lot of documents and evidence, "may be good for the protection of workers, but on the other an interference that could co-responsibility."
Regarding the definition of the contract , please note that " technical specifications in the contract in addition to unambiguously circumscribe the contract (for the guarantee of its genuineness) are also the tool with which the Authority is able to prove that he supervised the work (think of the maintenance of the crane, rather than the lift trucks).
addition security costs "are one of the less obvious but more important to protect the purchaser in the case of serious injury or serious of a worker of a firm under contract." And not only for the Customer: "failure to provide for the costs of security implies the nullity of the contract, which means that if the contractor in case of notices required by the major purchaser of security arrangements not budgeted ( as safety nets in the rebuilding of a roof etc.). may require payment or cancellation of the contract. "
But what are the costs of security to be provided in the contract?
There is, in this respect, a guideline of the conference regions and autonomous provinces (currently only reference ") in which" are defined as security costs: the costs of measures taken to eliminate or, where that is not possible, to minimize the risks to the health and safety arising from the interference of the process.
The definition of costs must be "fair, analytical individual items, or to body size (not to percent), referring to price lists, standard or specialized, or based on official price lists or price lists in force in the area concerned, or the list price of the security measures of the customer. " If a list price is not applicable or available, "will include the cost to complete and are derived from market surveys."
In particular, "the individual items of security costs should be calculated by considering the cost of their use for the supply or service concerned including, when applicable, the installation and subsequent removal, any maintenance and depreciation ".
Regarding the management of the contract is also important to "highlight and record the daily coordination between the managers of companies under contract."
This can be done "by a survey report before starting to work, then daily updates of any changes in initial conditions."
On the supervision, the buyer must ensure compliance with the measures identified in DUVRI "" This to ensure compliance with the rules and how to ensure that the costs are real. Supervision is also the renewal of the status of the company for other contracts. It is important, in the contracts, provide evidence of costs incurred by the customer for vigilance. "

conclusion, more than DUVRI (Single Document for the Evaluation of Risks interference, a requirement of job security) the Purchaser shall:
- "write good contracts;
- include security costs ;
- manage contracts in everyday life. "
must "manage the procurement process, dividing the responsibilities within the entity." If this administration is not adequate, "it lacks the respect of Article 30 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Causes Of Dark Stool Red Wine

PDF - read and edit with free programs.

Acrobat Reader and the " Portable Document Format (PDF ) have been a blessing for Internet communications when they were introduced for the first time .
With this file format invented by Adobe, it was possible to share documents, preserving the formatting and editing of the same, regardless of word processing software that was used to create it.
Over time, the PDF format has become a worldwide standard for disseminating documents, both at work and business, both in home and school. The
Adobe has become rich and powerful and has sought to improve its Reader, a program designed to open and read pdf files.
improved and developed, always adding new features added, Adobe Acrobat Reader programmone has become a big and heavy with a lot of features unnecessary for 99% of users.
From first to last version, version 10 X Adobe Reader, it has gone from a 2 MB of software to one of 35 MB that after you install it takes about 150 MB of space on your computer.
Basically, when you open a pdf file with Reader 9 download time and memory usage has tripled and it is unclear why.
The alternatives to Acrobat Reader are then used to read pdf files as if you were reading a web page, which opens that quickly, even on older computers and less powerful.

Here quelel try to list that I consider the best alternative to Adobe :

Foxit Reader
Good free program that allows you to read and view documents in PDF format. It 's very light (only 7.14 MB), easy to use (there's nothing to understand), and above all not installed. Just click on it and he starts, allowing us to read any PDF (so we can launch it from a different HD, CD, USB stick, etc.)..
The speed is lightning fast, even with documents with hundreds of pages (and do not need to have Acrobat installed), for a program that you can not already apprezzarre the first time. Unfortunately, on some complex documents, sometimes gave me problems when printing on paper.

If you search for a program with some function in addition, there is always the best Nitro PDF Reader.
PDF X-Change Viewer
Splendido PDF viewer. Maybe not as fast as Foxit Reader, but on the other hand has other qualities worthy of note, including a beautiful graphical interface (the best of the class, in my opinion), the usual ability to zoom or rotate pages, and possibility of making notes colored and clearly visible (Or comments, or stamps, as APPROVED like) through the text, or underline or highlight the same, just as if we had a marker (as long as the text of the PDF has been recognized with an OCR). E 'can also convert PDF to images (GIF, JPG, etc.)..
many ways is the best free program to view PDF (Foxit Reader is faster and requires no installation, but also for PDF X-Change Viewer is a portable version), with the hope that it continues to remain free. You can use free of charge to both personal and commercial purposes.

in recent versions has become a bit 'heavier (due to the many additional features), and, with the free version of PDF X-Change Viewer is not possible to extract / save individual pages of PDF (but for this, there is still SAM PDF ...).
E 'application open source that allows you to change (cut, merge and reorganize) the pages of PDF documents. In other words, if we have separate PDF, we can combine them into a single PDF, or-for example-we can extract a few pages (not portions of the page) from a single PDF, or move pages within a document (eg exchanging the second page with the third, and so on).
options available to create / split / change / rearrange are many: just as an example, we can split a PDF depending on the even pages, odd, to bookmark or after a number of pages chosen by us, and in other ways, all viewing to the pages of PDF in a graphical screen.

The first few times you use it is not too intuitive, because they lack the classic drop-down menu and it's not clear where to click.

To work, the computer requires the presence of java (, which does not help to make it very light (especially in the presence of large PDF).

other PDF Reader Here:

SumatraPDF legegro is the most absolute and portable that you should install but it works as-is and open source, free and without advertising.

Cool PDF Reader is small, and lightweight, portable and fast, it works without installation does nothing but read pdf files by opening them in a moment as if you surf the Internet.
The only options are zoom in or out and forward buttons to change pages and back.

SlimPDF is a small 1.4 MB which allows software to read PDF documents quickly, with buttons for printing, zooming and rotation.
very important, maybe a little 'less good than in Sumatra but a convenient choice of the heavy Adobe Reader.

Perfect PDF Reader is still a bit 'bigger but the installation package that weighs about 22 MB also contains other programs that do not need to install and then, once installed does not exceed 15 MB.
It can be said that the name "Perfect" is not indicated if he too is trying to trick the user propinano useless things hidden in the program.
If you choose this player to open the pdf file so be sure to deselect everything except the Reader during the installation process. The interface reminds
this time Office 2007, so it's practically identical in graphics with the icon in the upper left and the menu of mixed voices.
curious that there is a button that says "Open in Acrobat Reader", but how you use to replace it and want me to use?

Skim very good, but reserved for the world Mac OS X . About 9 MB.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Babybottlepop Secrets

recovery of deleted files.

When you delete a file, it really is not cleared even on your hard disk, but the operating system is said that the amount of space it occupies is ready to write new data. This means that until you create new files have a very good chance of recovering your data intact. This becomes much more difficult if the data were deleted or partly overwritten and very complex if the same data were totally overwritten. Click here if you want to learn more about how to safely delete your data.
To be very practical I will propose below some freeware software to recover all deleted data and give some pointers to the data recovery groped parzilmente overwritten. Data completely overwritten require the use of very expensive software that we will not.
Finally let some 'advertising, are a professional who works in security in the workplace but are able to provide assistance with encryption, secure deletion and retrieval as long as we can show that the data are treated of your property.

freeware software for recovering deleted data:
  1. Recuva : Surely the simplest of all and even better appreciated for its network for its clear, clean interface. Recover deleted files from recycle bin or your MP3 player and has the ability retrieve photos and movies from memory cards.
  2. PC Inspector File Recovery : surely the most complete. Allows you to recover damaged partitions or groped to replace damaged boot sectors or even canceled. It allows saving to media in LAN and has the ability to search files by type.
  3. TOKIWA DataRecovery : Its small size enables it to be started on the floppy drive and allows you to recover encrypted files in EFS filesystem
  4. Undelete Plus the file systems are recognized FAT12/16/32, with the possibility NTFS/NTFS5 to look in the floppy drive and in many types of memory card.
  5. Glary Undelete : Supports almost all memory cards, find deleted files from both windows, crash, or from the terminal by the combination of Shift + can. Allows you to recover EFS encrypted files stored in partitions.
  6. NTFS Undelete: scans only on the local hard drives that are NTFS. The only flaw, if we may so call it is that you can burn it to CD or DVD and put it on any computer with Windows installed on it.
  7. PhotoRec : Do not be misled by the name, not only to search for images only. Runs only through the command prompt is one of the largest in terms of file systems supported: FAT, NTFS, ext2/ext3 HFS +, no case is a project that exists for Linux. It allows you to recover deleted files from formatted, by CD and erased from memory card.
  8. Recover Files
  9. Pandora Recovery SoftPerfect File Recovery FreeUndelete
  10. Avira UnErase Personal
  11. ADRC Data Recovery Software Tools
  • EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional : In many ways, the waiting is the simplest and the most powerful. Costs little more than € 60 but worth them all.
  • R-studio : Supports many file systems (including Mac, Linux and frebsd). Definitely the most professional of the previous request is an experienced hand, but offers good performance and its 80dollari are definitely earned.
  • FileScavenger I consider the best product in the category that apart from the recovery, provides an excellent reconstruction of the folders.
Software freeware data recovery for deleted or partially deleted:
Foremost is called and is a small but powerful software program developed by special agents of 'USAF, Kendal Kriss and Jesse Kornblum, who designed this program to support the ever more frequent surveys on recovery of files from personal computers released as free software as a product of the U.S. government for which no copyright protection is available.

Foremost is a great program but unfortunately it only runs on Linux, allows recovery of files deleted or hidden, hard disk or directly from images taken through the main tool of duplication (dd, EnCase, SafeBack etc. ..). Personally, I have successfully tried to retrieve a mistakenly deleted TrueCript archive.

The major Linux distributions-oriented live incident response and security (FIRE, Penguinsleuth and Knoppix STD) include it by default in the precompiled version and this, in addition to being a test of the utility and functionality in forensic applications, it should at least advise those involved in advancing security and incident response.

The operation is based, as most of the tools of recovery, finding a header and footer , ie strings that characterize the beginning and end of a particular file, as well as specified in the configuration file foremost.conf . This system, which seems to increase the cumbersome nature of the system is really the heart and the strength of the program, why on several occasions I decided to put aside most renowned graphics applications. Foremost analyzes the drive or file (read-only, of course) in search of the header and retrieves the data until the first occurrence of the footer or the achievement of the maximum size specified in the configuration file if the footer is not present.
The recovered files are saved in a default directory unless otherwise specified at the command prompt, along with a final report audit.txt . We shall see later some of the configuration file options that allow this behavior to bend slightly.

Using basic

first look at the syntax of the program: #

foremost [-h
-c Set the configuration file to use
  • -s
    Skip specified number of bytes before starting the search
  • -n
    Extracts files without adding the extension

  • The Most parameters are self-explanatory, but it is good to dwell on some options that are critical for the result.

  • Quick mode (-
  • q) requires the program to look only at the beginning of each header field with a total length of the header longer present in the configuration file, ignoring the rest of the data. This greatly speeds up research, but we left behind some interesting files, such as those embedded in other files.
  • If not set an output directory (-o ), foremost saves files in a folder called default-output
  • foremost, contained in the current directory may not have enough space or be destined to another . The output directory must be empty or at least does not exist, think foremost to create a default.

  • The flag -
  • s enables us to from a particular offset to divide the scan into multiple parts or refine your search to certain files.
  • Some examples:

foremost-v-o / mnt / usbdisk / recovery / / home/immagine1.dd

Analyze the image contained in the / home directory and save the results in the recovery of a hard USB disk.
foremost-v-c / home / Anconelli / foremost.conf / dev/sda1
Reads the configuration file in the user's home and analyze the device / dev/sda1
foremost-o / home / test /-s 681574400 / mnt/immagini/disco1.dd
begins to scan the image at offset 681574400 disco1.dd

configuration file

The configuration file foremost guide behavior during the search and is essentially a list of features to look for each file. The lines starting with a # character are comments and are not taken into account by the program. Each line is divided into sections with different file attributes:


case sensitive


options mpg REVERSE can be set to 'y' or 'n' and concerns the handling of header and footer. \\ x4f \\ 123 \\ I \\ SCCI is equivalent to "OSI CCI"


\\ x00 \\ x00 \\ x01 \\ Xba
\\ x00 \\ x00 \\ x01 \\ xb9

Foremost alleged number each recovered file, starting from 00000000 and adding the extension specified in the extension. E 'can enter
in that field to ensure that no extension is added to the file name.

Case sensitive

Size is the maximum number of bytes that foremost recovery if it finds a footer.
The header and footer can be specified with hexadecimal, octal, or character, the space is represented by
\\ s
. The hexadecimal values \u200b\u200bare represented as \\ x [0-f] [0-f], as octal as \\ [0-3] [0-7] [0-7]. The example in the configuration file itself is the following:

A useful trick is to insert a wildcard strings containing byte variables: the font used by default is'
'(eg ???????? \\ x6d \\ x6f \\ x6f \\ x76) that can be changed by changing its string in the configuration file. Field footer is the only option and, in many cases, it is useful to eliminate reliance on specified maximum size.
addition to these parameters there are two options that can be hung on the line to shape the behavior of specific foremost in special cases:
REVERSE - Foremost scans the header to the specified maximum size, then retraces the path back until the first occurrence of the footer. Useful in cases with multiple instances of files in the footer (PDF files in this category, we find the parameter set to REVERSE default in the original configuration file)
NEXT - The scan stops at the first occurrence of the footer that is excluded from the recovered file. This makes it possible to conclude the recovery when there is a string that we know for sure they do not belong to the type of file sought, but it is also possible to recover files of which we know the footer concluding and initiating the recovery following the first occurrence of the same header .


In the directory where you stored the recovered data, create a file named Foremost audit.txt, or a report containing the details of carried out among which is offset from the original starting point out of the recovered file ( Found at Byte
). I found this very useful parameter to investigate an initial basic research. Looking at some example images created in Photoshop 7, we can set the header so that's a unique feature of the image (the string Adobe \\ sPhotoshop). Knowing that the occurrence of the header is located all'offsett 144 (0x90) of the file we can retrieve the entire image by calculating the starting byte of the file by setting it as a starting point of research with the-s option

opportunities Foremost depend very much on the imagination of the investigator. Play with the configuration files, analyzed the data retrieved with a good hex editor, changed the options and creative ad hoc configurations for most common types of recovery: you will discover that sometimes it may be worthwhile to abandon programs more convenient to return to the old and simple line of command.
The current version is 0.69 and can be downloaded from
. Installation is very simple and is achieved by running the commands and
  • make make install
    inside the folder created by unzipping the tar.gz file.

Krusteaz For Biscuits

secure deletion of data privacy

First let me start a bit 'of advertising, are a professional who works in security in the workplace but are able to provide assistance with encryption, secure deletion and retrieval as long as we can show that the data used are our property, but in hope to see more and increasing the open source world, I believe that knowledge sharing can only benefit the good of all.

groped for the recovery of deleted data please read
Recovering deleted data, while
continue reading this post to learn what a secure erase.

When you delete a file, it really is not cleared even on your hard disk, but the operating system is said that the amount of space it occupies is ready to write new data.
The concept of secure deletion is based on the multi-pass overwrite (at least 3) of the deleted file, to overwrite it with a series of random data.

Protecting your privacy is important, especially if we decide to sell or give our moon pc or device to third parties. But not everyone can take the necessary precautions to scramble magnetic / optical, as yet convinced that it is enough to empty the recycle bin or format the disk to erase the data.
Remember that all storage media such as

hard drive, rewritable CDs / DVDs, USB sticks,
memory cards (sd , Sim, etc.).

There are many programs in common use that provide a good chance of deleting data, I say good because the certainty of complete cancellation occurs only with the physical destruction of the support, however if you feel safe enough to have a tool providing a probability of 0.87% to recover a single file in an entire hard disk, may rely on a software like what I propose is completely freeware.

Incinerator DOWNLOAD
Incinerator securely and automatically delete all files permanently moved to the Recycle Bin. It can also delete irretrievably folders, temporary files and delete all traces of the past by the empty disc space.

Another technique used in the cancellation and low-level format which consists of re-magnetisation of all sectors of a hard disk. This is also used for groped to recover bad sectors of a disk that is just re-magnetisation.
For this I propose that other software.

the Linux world for the excellent advice WIPE tool.


What Is Severe Menorraghia

requirements for holders of treatment.

The issue related to the implementation of security measures and enforcement of privacy laws has always been the focus of those who are to handle large databases or to be owners or managers treatment or storage within major companies.
For the latter, in fact, have been provided new safeguards to be respected in the selection and appointment of administrators. The precise identification and responsible for these subjects, indeed, is of great importance, because it is one of the fundamental choices within an enterprise and helps to increase the overall safety of treatments performed. Just think, in fact, that very often the system administrator has a special position to which it is also the ability to determine - in conjunction with the owner and / or any other person responsible for treatment of - Who can access the privileged resource information system and business, all personal data (including sensitive): for this reason, system administrators must be chosen with particular care, since the risks that can run databases or computer networks are always higher.
After the recent and numerous changes in legislation or practice "that we have seen in recent times, which is published here is another measure of the Guarantor Privacy introducing a new performance in the management and protection of personal data processed through systems and safety assurance of the same data and systems.

preserve "access log" for at least six months in archives unchangeable and unalterable. must, that is, systems able to be taken to the registration of logical access to computer systems and electronic files by system administrators and, perhaps most important novelty, the access log
Privacy The Guarantor, in fact, with a decision of November 27, 2008 (" measures and mechanisms will be required for holders of processing with electronic instruments pertaining to the functions of the system administrator ") introduced the 'requirement for System Administrators (including those who held the job of network administrator, data base or maintainers) of
must have the characteristics of completeness, stability and ability to check their integrity appropriate to achieve the purpose for which verification is sought; DPCM January 13, 2004?
holders will also facilitate an easier understanding, in its organization, the existence of any system administrators: It is important to ensure, in this way, the knowledge of the existence of such figures and those who perform similar roles in all institutions and organizations, it is stated further that system administrators, regardless of whether or appointed officers responsible for processing, individuals should always be clearly identified within the DPS and their names must be communicated or made known by all stakeholders .

According to the writer, then, to avoid unpleasant penalties, each holder must ensure that this list has been made in the next annual update of the DPS and, in cases where the holder is not required to prepare, you will be required to enter the name of system administrators in an internal document to keep updated and also available in investigations by the Ombudsman.
And if the activities of system administrators are concerned, even indirectly, services or systems that allow the processing of personal information workers, public and private owners, as employers, are required to disclose the identity or system administrators within their own organizations through special report pursuant to art. 13, Leg. 196/2003 (or you can also use communication tools such as corporate intranets, service orders to internal movement ect.). They are the exception, in each case, the cases of exclusion by law of such advertisements or knowability.
If so, then service system administration outsourced the holder is obliged to keep identification of individuals responsible for such system administrators. Holders of the treatment will have also an obligation to annual review on the work of system administrators to control whether or not compliance with organizational measures, technical and safety with respect to the processing of personal data as specified by law. In terms of exclusions, this measure does not apply to persons falling within the privacy exemption from the subject of the recent simplification measures, provided for small and medium enterprises or for professionals who process personal data only for administrative purposes and accounting.
Let us now examine the reasons for which the Ombudsman considered it necessary to introduce this additional performance:
1 - First, system administrators, or those that manage access to databases, are generally responsible operations from which to derive great responsibility and high critical to the protection of personal data they have access. Let us recall that by its nature the system administrator has a capacity for action of their own and a relationship of trust that binds to the holder in carrying out their duties (so important for companies and large public organizations and private, so that appoint him sometimes as the data). But in reality, this small figure of some significance, because it should be in charge of tasks of supervision and control of the correct use of the computer system managed and used;
2 - Secondly, the activities of backup or disaster recovery ( Privacy Code also regulated in
), the organization of network flows, management of storage media, or the simple hardware maintenance involving the possibility for such persons to act on critical information, all activities that fall within the definition of "treatment of personal data, even when the administrator does not consult it in light of such information;
4-Finally, there are certain offenses under the Criminal Code for which the play the role of system administrator is an aggravating circumstance (as an abuse of the system operator in access to system abuse information or computer - art. 615 ter - or computer fraud - art. 640 ter - or for cases of corruption of information, data and computer programs - Articles. 635bis and ter - and damage to computer systems and telematics - Articles. quinques and 635-c).
By that measure, the Guarantor has thus launched a further warning to all data controllers, invited to entrust this task, both as a manager in charge of both, to individuals that are reliable, first of all, as well as capable and experienced, because they must provide appropriate assurance of compliance with the provisions for proper treatment, including the profile information security (in consideration of responsibility, criminal and civil, that may arise in the case of careless or inappropriate name).
In fact, the holder may designate optionally one or more controllers, only between subjects' experience, capacity and reliability to provide appropriate guarantees of full compliance with the applicable provisions on treatment, including aspects relating to security "(Article 29, paragraph 2, of the Code). It will be necessary, therefore, with individual design, containing the detailed description of the areas of operation permitted under the authorization profile assigned.
All this must be observed six months after the publication of the measure for all treatments already in place or starting before 22.01.2009, and for subsequent processes, will be mandatory from the start.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Can You Recover From Weed

Only 20 €! Update RSPP, ASPP and RLS in Treviso.

The interesting event 'was organized by the province of Treviso, Treviso 9 Local Health Unit, Local Health Unit 8 ASOLO and ULSS CONEGLIANO 7.
The conference is part of the mandatory five-year update of activities for RSPP - ASPP - RLS and will be 'accredited by the Ministry of Health as a training event for Continuing Medical Education for the year 2011 for the following positions: Surgeon Multidisciplinary Technician of prevention, health care, professional nurse.
Participation is subject to an entry by efefttuarsi by February 20, 2010, cost 20 €.

Full details:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cuts In The Roof Of Mouth

Check List to ensure protection from explosive agents - ATEX.

One form of prevention and safety inspections used to ATEX. The identification of substances to create an explosive atmosphere. Ignition sources, methods of prevention and containment and the classification of areas. PuntoSicuro was briefly paused in recent months on a talk presented at the meeting of October 6 2010 "
ATEX Directive and its implementation in Italy. Inspection, control and safety measures in hazardous environments ", devoted to a checklist for the implementation of Title XI of the Legislative Decree 81/2008
dedicated to protecting against explosives.

The document was published on the site, recently renewed its graphics,
of the Working Group for safety in hazardous environments
as specimens of the form used for prevention and safety inspections ATEX .
The checklist on the risk environment in Atex work, entitled "
Checklist for monitoring the implementation of Title XI of the Legislative Decree no. 81/08" allows you to verify some important requirements for prevention.
ATEX (Atmospheres EXplosive)?

Download the checklist (94kB).

Check Vanity Plate Availability Ontario


Criminal Appeal, Sec. 4, 03 November 2010, No 38,700 - a drop deck and death of the worker
Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:55

Yard Temporary and Mobile PDF Stampa Worker E-mail
Legal Responsibilities representative of the construction firm T. scaffolding, to blame, not observing the rules on the prevention of occupational accidents mentioned in the charge, causes the death of FM, an official from the company above and in particular the employee was in the construction site at the State Technical Institute "*** to make the construction of scaffolding at the front of the building and proceeded to hoist the metal free floor using a pulley and a rope with a hook for them to get to the top of the scaffolding where other colleagues dropped them and mount them.
After you hang up a pavement, the colleague Fa.Fa. hoisted to the top of the scaffolding, but during the climb, now almost at your destination, probably as a result of a collision with the structure of the scaffolding, the floor is released and dropped from a height of about 12-13 meters struck F. head, who was at the perpendicular, which reported serious injuries, which result in death.
  • Convicted in first and second instance, the Supreme Court marks - unacceptable.
  • The fourth section of the Supreme Court stated that
  • the Court of Appeals, with reference to the existence of a causal link between the conduct of mail be the accused in TD and the occupational accident causing the death of FM, "carefully evaluate emergency investigations that lead to exclude the most serious incident must be attributed to a tragic fatality or serious negligence, however, a charge the worker .
then notes that, as evident from the statements of the witness S. and photographing, the hook of the rope was stuck to a simple projection of the table, but it was not formed by a closed loop that would prevent spillage. The point of attachment instead had an opening, because the oscillation of the load, did not prevent the hook of the rope to go out, leading to the fall of the heavy load, which struck F., causing death.
The sentence appeal correctly highlights the point that the responsibility of the accused with reference to the incident was clear, whether it be considered that the table in the terminal phase of lifting the scaffolding had hit, and that there was was excessive "Tirotto" will go toward the rope pulley colleague who worked from below with the cooperation of the victim, as such events were not unforeseen, but should be treated and prevented by T, therefore, able to cause dangerous decoupling of the heavy load, not insured properly.
then consider the Territorial Court with logical and appropriate reasons that could not be relieved of liability on employers who used such a risky system load, the simple oral prescription given to workers not to stop in loading zones, because, in this context could not be concluded that the presence of workers in these areas could be considered an exceptional event, such as to break the causal link. "

Composed by Ill.mi Sigg.ri Magistrates: MORGIGNI Dr. Antonio - President FOTI Dr. James - Director
MAISANO Dr. Julius - Director Dr.
MARINELLI Felicetta - rel. Councillor Dr
Blaiotta Marco Rocco - Director
gives the following:
ruling on the appeal by:
1) TD, N. THE ***;
against sentence no COURT APPEAL 1514/2007 of Bologna, 13/11/2009;
the acts, the sentence and the appeal;
heard in open court of 08/10/2010 the report made by Councilor Dr. FELICETTI MARINELLI;
heard the attorney General in the person of Dr. Oscar Cedrangolo, which found the appeal inadmissible;
heard the defender lawyer. Guido Orlando Forum in Rome asking for the appeal is accepted.


TD was taken for trial before the Court of Ravenna to meet the offender under Article. Cp 589, paragraph 2 because, as the legal representative of the construction firm T. scaffolding, to blame, not observing the rules on the prevention of occupational accidents mentioned in the charge, causes the death of FM, an official from the company above and in particular the employee was in the construction site at the technical institute Industrial State "*** to make the construction of scaffolding at the front of the building and proceeded to hoist the metal free floor using a pulley and a rope with a hook for them to get to the top of the scaffolding where colleagues dropped them and mount them.

After you hang up a pavement, the colleague Fa.Fa. hoisted to the top of the scaffolding, but during the climb, now almost at your destination, probably as a result of a collision with the structure of the scaffolding, the floor is released and dropped from a height of about 12-13 meters F. struck in the head, which was located at the perpendicular, which reported serious injuries, which result in death.
It was also alleged breach of
Legislative Decree no. 626 of 1994, Art. 35, paragraph 4 ter, lett.
to) as the method and equipment used to lift, pulley by hand, the floor of the scaffolding, were not likely to prevent the fall of the load, taking into account the load to be handled, gripping and coupling device, the DPR

547 of 1955, Art. 186 because, during the assembly of scaffolding, rigging for lifting the walking surfaces were not arranged so as to prevent the passage of suspended load at the worker, the
Legislative Decree no. 626 1994, art. 4, paragraph 5, letter.
f) because the employer had not requested the observance of safety rules by employees, particularly the use of DPI (use of hard hat head -

Presidential Decree No. 547 of 1955, Art . 38), of Legislative Decree no. 626 of 1994, Art.
22 because the employer had not ensured that each employee receives adequate training on safety and health.
With 1 .12.06 ruling in the Court of Ravenna single judge had declared TD responsible for the offenses listed above and was sentenced to one year imprisonment (otherwise condoned) in addition to payment of court costs and compensation for damages to civil parties formed.

against the decision of the Court of Ravenna counsel for the defendant appealed.

The Court of Appeal of Bologna, with the subject of this appeal the ruling issued on 13.11.2009, upheld the ruling by the court of first instance and ordered the appellant to pay the costs.

against the ruling of the Court of Appeal in Bologna TD appealed to the Supreme Court, and contends that the cancellation or postponement without.
public hearing on 8 / 10 / 2010 the appeal was decided by the fulfillment of the obligations imposed the code of ritual.
TD criticized the decision under appeal for the following reasons: violation of Article

. Cpp 606, paragraph 1, lett. e) - failure to state reasons - error in the assessment of the evidence;
violation of Article. Cpp 606, paragraph 1, lett. b) incorrect application of criminal law in respect of Article. 40 cp.
According to the applicant the results of the investigation do not support the conclusions they reached the judges of the Court of Appeal of Bologna, who felt that the coupling system of platforms used in the construction site where is the tragic accident was not sure, that compliance with the rules of prevention would have led to the adoption of other means of lifting platforms and, in conclusion, the adoption of different modes of lifting certainly would lead to greater security, which, finally, to prevent the F. stop in the loading area would be necessary to provide a suitable boundary.
According to the T. however, the judges of the Territorial Court did not properly evaluated the comments of the expert witnesses, ing. C., who said they had considered the hook and rope pulley, to have found the regularity and have also found in the race to the existence of a security system.

would not have been adequately evaluated nor the statements by the heads S. he said that the hook was used with safe.
Nor were considered shared the conclusions were reached the appellate courts with reference to the violation of Presidential Decree No. 547 of 1955, Art. 186, since it was created a special pass that allowed you to do the necessary positioning of the scaffolding without passing through the area in which it was made on lifting platforms. According to the applicant, therefore, on the basis of evidence gathered during the process, Switzerland was not satisfied with the level of certainty required by art. Cp 40, paragraph 2, the causal link between the alleged omissions and the death of the worker FM.

The proposed grounds of appeal are clearly unfounded, as reproduce issues on which the judgment gave ample and convincing answer, and aim at a different reconstruction of fact precluded the court's legitimacy.

Given the above it is noted that the appeal for lack obvious contradictions and illogical reasoning select a path that is exempt from the identification of the heads or points of the decision referred to in the appeal and also is exempt from the specific indication elements of law that support each claim.

The complaints that they invest the contradictory or the apparent illogicality of the grounds require an analysis of the censored text in order to highlight the presence of notified defects. Conversely, the complaint denouncing the lack of motivation to bring out what is missing and that excludes the function of supporting the achievement of its decision. A complaint denouncing the lack of motivation that must provide specific statement of the issues previously raised, specific comparison between questions asked and answers given, specific and detailed measurement of the grounds for appeal as a highlight, despite the apparent existence of a completed argue, has come back to determine the total lack of a speech justifying the decision and must provide careful identification of specific gaps that have resulted in the total absence.
This is not found in the application of TD, as it lacks any consideration for motivation criticized, and far from the identification of specific gaps or flaws which would answer the overall lack of motivation, complains of the result drawn from the contested decision accumulates the fact that I intend to redesign a key charged "against him in order to thus obtain a decision just taken by the replacement of the trial court. appealed the ruling is unclear the path of motivation which led the judges to confirm the decision at first instance.
The Court of Appeal in fact, with reference to the existence of a causal link between the conduct of the accused be placed in TD and the occupational accident causing the death of FM, which carefully evaluates the emergency investigation must conclude that The most serious incident must be attributed to a tragic fatality or serious negligence, however, a charge the worker.
notes therefore that, as evident from the statements of the witness S. and photographing, the hook of the rope was stuck to a simple projection of the table, but was not formed by a closed loop that would prevent its release. The attachment point was instead an opening, because the oscillation of the load, did not prevent the hook of the rope to get out, causing the fall of the heavy load, which struck F., causing death. The ruling highlights the contested

correctly on the point that the responsibility of the accused with the incident reference was clear, whether it be considered that the table in the terminal phase of lifting the scaffolding had hit, whether there had been excessive "Tirotto "it will go of the rope to the pulley from the bottom of my colleague who worked with the cooperation of the victim, as such events were not unexpected, but should be treated and prevented by T, because capable of causing the release of dangerous heavy load, not insured properly.
then consider the Territorial Court with logical and appropriate reasons that could not be relieved of liability on employers who used such a risky system load, the simple oral prescription given to workers not to stop in loading zones, as in this context, could not be concluded that the presence of workers in these areas could be considered an exceptional event, such as to break the causal link.

Therefore neither respect nor respect for the leaders in the paragraphs appeal, nor from the entire weaving motivational in its synthesis is consistent and complete, has been configured in any way without protest, contradiction or obvious illogic of motivation.
The appeal does not go beyond the mere statement in the conclusion of the defect reported and therefore it is inadmissible, with the consequent conviction of the appellant to pay court costs and the sum of Euro 1.000,00 in favor of cash fines.

declares inadmissible the appeal and ordered the applicant to pay the costs and the sum Euro 1.000,00 in favor of cash fines.
Last updated Saturday, November 13, 2010 11:11

Fotos Nuevas De Denise Milani

Series NAPO. Safety educational films. The entire series free of charge. Register

Napo series of films are made in computer animation. They depict characters from the world of work, dealing with security issues. The main character, Napo, and his friends communicate without using words. Their stories have an educational value. Raise questions and stimulate debate on specific aspects of safety at work. Sometimes provide practical answers to the questions or simply lead to their resolution. It is This combination of education, cultural neutrality and humor translated in the style of cartoon series "Napo" finds its identity. Napo is a sympathetic character, but distracted. The universal language of Napo makes his films to suit any audience. All episodes are independent from each other and can be used together as a single film, or individually.

films were not designed with the objective of providing comprehensive information on a topic not to be regarded as a training or educational films. The aim of Napo and his friends is to arouse interest in security and health at work with their engaging characters, funny stories, and their joy. The best way is to use Napo "think like Napo." Napo's contribution to a workplace safer, healthier and better "Safety with a smile."
Napo can be used in whole or sequence by sequence, depending on the audience of his views and his attitude towards safety at work and depending on the situation in which the film is projected. Excessive use of Napo may diminish the importance of the series.
The stories have an educational value. Raise questions and stimulate debate on specific aspects of safety at work. Sometimes provide practical answers to the questions or simply lead to their resolution.

Monday, January 17, 2011

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injuries - proper seal

the FAQ, frequently asked questions, the Ministry has made it clear what the obligations of the employer and what to do in order to properly update the register of injuries.
The Department explained that, pending the adoption of the Ministerial Decree referred to Art. 8, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree No. 81/2008, SM, for the construction and operation of the national information service
prevention in the workplace
(SINPIA), all companies that fall within the scope of the Consolidated Security
are subject to the estate of
accident register.
This register shall be prepared in accordance with the form approved by
September 12, 1958 (as amended by Ministerial Decree of 5 December 1996), endorsed at the ASL responsible for the area and kept in the workplace. However, please note that, for the seat of Lombardy, the Regional Law 8 / 2007 (see Not. No 5 / 2007) has provided the abolition of the endorsement of the accident register. The repeal applies only to the Lombardy region. It is stated that, in the case of short-term activities
, characterized by mobility, or conducted in places with few workers and without adequate administrative structures, any obligation above shall be deemed fulfilled even if the register is held in the headquarters' enterprise, provided that such activities are not spread beyond the provincial level. In hypothesis, however, that the company's business is conducted mainly outside the house for a short period, each production unit is required to maintain its own registry, also endorsed by the competent ASL. Subsequently, the MD of August 10, 1984, to facilitate this requirement, introduced, however, permitted employers to use an automated procedure for detection, processing and recording of the accident register data through the use of individual records in accordance with the model shown in the annex to the decree, also `to endorse them in advance at the ASL jurisdiction. Subject to the approval of the Ministry, to companies using the automated procedure is allowed the centralization of records at business units with appropriate administrative structures. It should be noted finally that, pursuant to art. 53, paragraph 6, of TU, \u200b\u200bthe provisions concerning the recording of accidents and exposed to carcinogens and biological agents will no longer be in force six months after the enactment of this `inter-ministerial decree provided for in Article`. 8.