Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Woman Sitting At Pins

and for all

From tomorrow the new group will operate the club, "Thomas More" in which anyone can participate by expressing their opinion on the issues in dispute. It 'can' post '(comment) action that will in the shortest possible time will receive a response. The topics will cover our cities and small or large problems that concern every day: for this please feel free to express consideration, views, problems and proposals especially because we will be happy to do something Vs needs to meet the limit of our capabilities and resources.
By this I refer you to the group where, by late tomorrow afternoon, will be open the first two debates on the themes "SICKLE AND CART" and "SUBSIDIARITY 'ANOTHER NAME OF FREEDOM': 5 PER THOUSAND AND SMALL WORKS ".

Click and have your say!

To participate you need to create their own ACCOUNT of GOOGLE!
E 'simply click the address above and then click into the discussion by you welcome! You will be required to interact to create an account and you you click on CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT! Follow the instructions and you can join the group and actively participate without problems!

The protagonist will be YOU!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Scholarships For Women Thyroid

against anti-politics, the politics of

against anti-politics of any sort ... I'll tell unpopular one thing I know! I will do exactly the opposite of what any good handbook of political marketing is strongly recommended to every politician who wants to serve its consent: smoothing the hair of the public, sniff the winds of popular scents and put the sails in that direction! But I will say what I really think after so many years of involvement in public administration and policy. Let's start from the center point of the question: can we be satisfied with the policy now? Certainly not! Nor I am! Yet the answer can not be generalized Vaffa .... Warning: There is nothing more that nourishes the bad policy of anti-drift. Drift. Yes shorthand: the idea that politics can change exorcise, tearing it like a bad cancer that must be eradicated by social, rather than doing the daily grind of an attempt positivo.Un attempt itself is always imperfect and therefore, like all human efforts in each field (the enterprise, research, love life ...), always subject to the limit and error and thus the criticism. But a good attempt, driven desire to build rather than destroy and what we want to do this bisogno.Per praise of politics! On the very day when many if not all, and not without reason, they weave rather than wickedness lodi.Mi the inclination has always been struck by this strange man and all the nature it is so easy to destroy, it takes little time and little effort, often in exchange for instant success ... while so much is so hard to build! It 's a mysterious thing, "makes more noise than a tree falling in a forest that grows" and, I add, in 10 minutes you can bring down a plant that employed 10 years or 10 centuries to grow! One can not take this strange contradiction of nature, we take a step forward only on these imperfect attempts, sometimes miserable, but where is the dignity of man and his desire to build a better world, yet we are passionate so little to them, always ready to highlight the negative, what's wrong, what is missing rather than what is there. We take a taste for the cry, heartless criticism, backbiting, envy, bitterness. We like that, just ... are men. [We are beings' most carnal and bestial imaginable "as Eliot said.] But we're in this boat, the boat of the human family - it's called nation, region, local - and this boat proceeds only if someone makes the effort to get the oars. We do all this hard work every day at home, at work and in politics, but instead we prefer to reproaching the estimated va.Tutto that this is true everywhere, but in politics it is more true than anywhere else. This summer I read a good book. It is titled "The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama, one of the leading Democratic candidates for President of the United States. Began with an observation, apparently true also in the U.S. "do not need a poll to know that most Americans are tired of that dead zone that politics has become (...) we hear correctly that the most significant challenges of the nation continue to be ignored (...). We need a new kind of politics that can excavate and build shared understandings. " Who does not feel a motion of approval here? So how again? Obama continues: "within the experience of my country there are some ideals that continue to excite our minds, a shared set of values \u200b\u200bthat binds us together despite their differences, an unbroken thread of hope that sustains our improbable experiment in democracy ". The more likely of our experiment in democracy! But here too there are still ideals that we enjoy and values \u200b\u200bthat bind us together. And 'from this starting point should be that if you really want to get out of the dead zone of politics! From what unites, not what divides. From what we include, not exclude that! An ideal but it is all the more credible the more it is embodied in a concrete experience. And the experience is just by nature full of limitations and contradictions, full of mistakes and unjust things - "rightly" reproach, according to a righteousness which is the most inhuman of errors if you do not have a shred of sympathy, charity quell'imperfezione for the attempt that binds us together. There is another, more subtle risk should be avoided. Transforming the perfect dream! Beware of those who toil daily to break the bread of politics, preferring to spread the ideals of their gold dust so perfect that it can not be charged. And 'the old myth of the "sun of the" what in reality never rises to davvero.Lo said long ago, the then Cardinal Ratzinger of a delegation of German politicians visited it, "the irrationality of political myths are true risk of our time. The politician has to be sober and implement what is possible is not the job of the politician with the heart on fire to claim the impossible (...) can seem limited to a renunciation of moral passion (...) but the agreement itself did not ' absence of any compromise, is the real moral of political activity "is this: the true morality in politics is compromise possible. An attempt continuous, stubborn, almost always unpleasant to find the meeting point, mediation, acceptance by the majority, possibly by all (blue, red, green ...) of a "possible", or what is realistically feasible for a positive contribution to the life of tutti.Questa is the highest form of politics that I know! Not always inflames the heart, but contributes to the nourishment of real bodies and spirits. Whether to make a road, railway, or the justice reform. So today - the day of the many vaffa ... and some crow - I want to publicly praise those who insist on along the road as possible and really look - of course not always succeeding - to reach the goal. Today, increasingly, they do have in accepting the risk of exchange instead of "the public estimation" (once the President Scalfaro said a duty) to the far more humiliating "public contempt" or at least "public distrust" and this makes their human and moral stature to my even greater occhi.Sono them that with their daily rowing - stubborn and always ready to start with everyone - make the boat forward of all. In politics as in life. In front of them, right and left, below and above, I take off my hat.

Source: Network Italy

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Whats Good To Eat After Stomach Flu

Approaching "Autumn" hot politics, but when will the winter of reforms?

is approaching the hot autumn of Italian politics. Not mass social movement, but fragments of parties and political designs that float in the air, but could not find a stable configuration. Not so it's not about the country. The condition of chronic instability of the Italian political system is one of the causes of the failure to make reforms, is a factor in the decline of Italy. In the deployment of government are forming three parties: the Democratic Party, in which contend for the space's former reformist and centrist former Christian Democratic Party and the former left, the radical left to moderate Mussi, the radical left-radical Jordan-Diliberto-Pecoraro Scanio. On 23 July the government signed an agreement between the social partners on pensions, which lowered the age of 58-step staircase provided by the Berlusconi government in 60 years to retire. Against this agreement, which costs about € 10 billion, partly paid by temporary workers, and against social insecurity that it would parade the streets on October 20 even ministers and secretaries of the two radical left Prodi government, which has signed THAT ' agreement. The three parties of the alliance at risk of collision and the government will fall. Behind are the tensions rekindled the debate on electoral law is at stake is the agreement on an electoral system among the major parties of government and opposition to a reduction annuities and spaces for children held hostage by the forces. Over all hangs the sword of Damocles of the referendum. As for Berlusconi, he is not sleeping on the riverbank. Until the government implodes, unleashed in the footsteps of Mao Tse-tung, a bombing of its headquarters, creating a "Freedom Party", which enables a change in depth of the old ruling class of "Forza Italy" . The transaction-garters - those Michela Brambilla, ça va sans dire - it tends to upset the structure of "non-party party" whose fortunes and whose men are hung arbitrary total of Berlusconi. Many "senators" of the party shaking. In this context, the interest of the Knight to the electoral law is minimal and purely tactical. Sure to win the election, using every tool that will lead to the downfall of the government, after returning to positions of power and the restructuring of the political and electoral system. The country continues to wait for deciding policy.

Source: Times