A new and hopefully profitable path for the liberalization of local public services was inaugurated by the Berlusconi government with the DPEF dismissed on 18 June. The executive spoke on the reorganization of the regulatory framework of services of general economic importance (ie excluding canteens, nurseries, etc. ..) to encourage competition and equality of treatment between different operators. There is a clear desire to open up the market in quick times as the deadline for the cessation of credit shall be directed in the December 31, 2010. The news about the decisive role reversal between race and in-house: the government has decreed a decisive "yes" to the races. A particular emphasis on opportunities to justify this option is found on the front of control by the local authority, a key feature of this method of allocation supported an explicit role of ultimate control in the antitrust field. With the in-house (at home) that is increasingly marginal, the race will play a major role. Problem: local management expertise of the PA to calls and tenders to limit the public finance constraint that blocks the action external consultants. A "Third Way" could cover can rely on the "joint enterprise" (private participation chosen competitive procedure with no less than 30% share) in the case of budgetary needs of local authorities and with the clear intention to acquire industrial know-how specialized. In each case there is a strong DPEF power management control post-foster care: in fact the local authority may terminate the contract in case of serious violations going back to play the role of controllers and planners. Then there is a push offset by efficiency targets socially and environmentally beneficial land, eg. maintaining employment levels above custody. It seems to me that the road taken is the right one now need to make the picture clear in every factor, rearrange, and reassemble the various races to be implemented within a framework of long-term industrial policy of the country. We feel satisfied with the choice of the Government because the competition is the preferred solution for "revitalize" an area off the public, often unproductive and in many cases very expensive. Through the liberalization of local public services, coupled with an appropriate power control and scheduling established ex-law for local, opens a new season where the State no longer be involved in the first person to offer but look in "-tion" market forces, private actors are able to offer those services at lower costs and more efficiently, while always safeguarding the workers, the charitable objects, the weaker (all guaranteed by the power of this Local resolution of contract). The challenge of liberalization has started: the Prodi Government with the Minister Bersani had made a flag now let's see if, in deed, the PD of the Berlusconi government, the shadow minister for local government Ravenna, will be open and willing to say yes to proposals to improve services for citizens, reduce costs and bring the PA into society for a more subsidiarity new welfare society.
Posted by Mirko De Carli
(Vice-Coordinator of Forza Italy Ravenna)