Sunday, December 9, 2007

Steve Prefontaine Singlets

WHO IS THE GAME OF LOGIC much worse, the better, Giorgio Vittadini

I read a sentence of the book festival that has particularly struck me: "The small establishment is terrified of true stabilization of Italy since the end of a number of disasters from the judiciary that only allow the inner circle and financial media to exert a disproportionate function director on the history of Italian society. " This observation is important because it gives a hypothesis to explain the fact that the face of certain enzymes of positivity, the social and economic recovery did not take off. I refer to the fact that from 2001 to 2007 a part of the small and medium enterprises is recycled and managed to become competitive despite the lack of infrastructure, the inconsistency of our foreign policy, labor market after the opening of Biagi law tends to be compressed again, a tax of at least 10 percent above the threshold of reasonable and, in general, a political-institutional framework to put it mildly stagnant. Why do not advocate the extraordinary performance that emerges from the bottom of the Italian production? Why, for example, in terms of welfare, after the servants are not even in Italy implement solutions such quasi-markets "blairiani? Or why not export the model of virtuous administration of Lombardy, where they have been successfully tried out school vouchers and welfare, where health is recovering, it has a smaller cost than other Italian regions and at the same time achieves peak excellence that put us at the top of the offer European health? It seems that the so-called small establishment described by festival to find its own balance of forces in preventing free themselves capable of representing an Italy different from that expressed by the "party of decadence." We understand that when which documents the existence of a good that is in motion, when they are given tools to the social and productive, when the system resumes operation and the policy back to "sit at the head, then point some circles become marginal. At best, it is said that Italy should remain a colony, that the buildings from below are evil, that subsidiarity is to hold in great disdain, that the membership are to be cut and that Italy must stop being unusual for a company integrate into the international financial system dominated by capitalism. The value of this book is that it offers a red thread and a synthesis to read what's behind the logic of "the worse the better ' who wants to leave this country at a standstill.