Wednesday, June 27, 2007
What Size Trowel For Tile
"All for one and one for all"
document presenting the project "Together EmiliaRomagna"
Contemporary society has at its base an individual that, in a desperate search for the attainment of its desires, try to procure for him the ultimate well-being with the least responsibilities and with the least possible risk.
an unscrupulous individualism, rationalism and the Enlightenment mold, said the experience of contemporary man seeks to achieve a total mastery over reality. In this climate of "manipulation" of reality is always more difficult to talk about relationships that arise from a sharing of ideas and projects and thus form a true societas.
"EmiliaRomagna Together" was created as open space and free in comparison, the "networking" of the different local operations with a view to creating a new "culture of doing", of "working together". In this sense emerges powerfully vocation original and the original political commitment: to serve the people to give every person the tools to achieve the common good of himself and of his community.
The association intends to raise an idea of \u200b\u200bsociety "just" in which the conditions are there for each subject, either public or private, can best express his potential, his talent. In a time of severe crisis like the present, where the gap between passive and active electorate is increasingly critical, we must rely on what is the 'soul' of our country: human capital.
Today, Italy is the heartland of the person, and also especially in its various forms aggregates (first of all, the family founded on marriage between a man and a woman pursuant to Art. 29 of the Constitution) by taking an 'action for the use and reconciliation of the various Italian social souls: that of the risk (entrepreneurs, traders , crafts ...) and security (pensioners, employees, unemployed ... ..). It should raise an agenda, based on the principle of subsidiarity, which states that a serious idea of \u200b\u200bcountry you want to build with the tools available to concretize it is necessary to prepare a list of actions to be put on the field with a view to obtaining the results listed in the program, also created a successful campaign of "sharing" with citizens of the 'undertaken realized. "
"EmiliaRomagna Together" aims to unravel our region and our country from the network of nodes that forces them to proceed slowly.
We bring out the enormous energy present in our country: the moral energy, economic and civic spirit. We believe it appropriate to start from the fundamental assumptions, such as the value of the person and the "ability of man to be free" (Quadragesimo Year - Pius XI).
institutions and family, in this sense, they should offer the younger generation of model behavior based above all on the concept of responsibility, through a serious balance of rights and duties, with the aim of ensuring inclusion and opportunity for growth.
As part of a "culture of responsibility", it is increasingly the need to reaffirm an unprecedented meritocracy, can take root through the disruption of the homologation contemporary culture, the daughter of a distorted concept of equality, with the aim to recognize and support the merit and talents, especially when they belong to people who come from families in need of help and support needed to make equal opportunities and mobile society.
"EmiliaRomagna Together" is proposed as its primary objective the enhancement of priority concepts: freedom, family, reformist, secular, accountability and meritocracy.
The critical challenge is to implement policies and practices at the various levels of responsibility (municipality, province, region, state) that can be implemented in the best way, the values \u200b\u200bespoused by our daily actions. We are not interested
utopia, we are interested in reality: why we aspire to high ideals with the knowledge that our work can not be more than a "noble compromise between the provocation and tension of the real idealist" (Cardinal Angelo Scola ) being politics, a "very human activity that deals with man as man" (Don Gnocchi).
Our desire is to deal man as it is, being aware of the instruments, always perfectible, at our disposal.
All for one and one for all: this should be our motto, our motto, we must ask ourselves to support all those forces that underlie the great political traditions which inspire our efforts (popular Catholic, liberal, social democratic, liberal and Liberal). In this sense, we intend to make proposals to rebalance the system Emilia Romagna as part of the broader scheme of Italy through full cooperation and sharing with individuals and different social forces, inspired by the great European experience (that of Sarkozy in France and that of Tony Blair in England) and homegrown (to Roberto Formigoni in Lombardy). But this is not enough: we must start from that heritage to make it our own and create a new model, Emilia Romagna and, consequently, a new model for Italy.
from our own local situations, by their common passion for politics to create a sweeping circuit of ideas and proposals that can establish itself as a "star" of all the forces of the reforms and innovations of our country. We wish to reaffirm the lost identity of our country, starting from the innate social creativity of the small villages, which has always characterized the history of Italic.
To achieve this requires "many I enjoy rich questions of today, but they are already restless with the desire to build tomorrow, free because they follow something or someone who has awakened their desire "(G. Vittadini).
The school has as its purpose the education policy, starting with a renewed assessment of reality. The school's task will be to bring the younger generation emerging in the political passion, but also to "revive" those personalities who have long considered civic engagement as a sort of "thing for a few end in itself."
All this is possible through an approach constructive and critical to reality, with the aim of creating a "policy of the present tense to the future", perceived as "reasonable hope" for all of us.
implementation procedures:
Login: early 2008; Number
lessons: available according to the reality and realize meetings;
Maximum length: 1 year;
Modus operandi: a meeting for each province or municipality interested in the project - each meeting will be at least one teacher (preferably education), one or more experts in political analysis and a journalist;
Topics: subsidiarity, the common good, the cost of politics, political marketing, family, health and public finance;
Tools: dossier, brochures, press releases, document library events.
have the objective of creating an open and free in which to compare the various forces, political and social changes that will actively promote the principle of subsidiarity.
"EmiliaRomagna Together" aims to support and encourage the creation of the Intergroup for subsidiarity at local (municipal and provincial) through the action of the newspaper associations affiliated to it. In this sense it is interesting to promote a work table with the various political forces and civil society are willing to work together to implement policies subsidiaries.
implementation procedures: Contact
the various political parties interested in the project;
Promoting a meeting with all associations, public or private, interested to meet and to accede to the proposal;
Making a meeting inviting some of the promoters of the Parliamentary Intergroup communicate more effectively promoted the action and synergy;
be committed with the aim of making more and more common heritage and shared the principle of subsidiarity (proposing tax credits work, good schools, health voucher);
· NETWORK: The network
is necessary to take "Circulating" the different experiences of the policies associated with "" EmiliaRomagna Together ". This is necessary to create a real circuit of friends in politics where everyone is free to make their shared heritage lived.
The Association is not structured as a center and periphery, but actualized and soul with the action of many "stars" that light up and become the core of the network every time endeavor in the sense that above.
implementation procedures:
Mailing List;
Joint Secretariat.
Mirko De Carli
Club President of Liberty "Thomas More" City of Ravenna
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